Topicalities: the years 2004-2005
  news on the Shikanda portal : Wim van Binsbergen's publications and work in progress

1. Intro

This series (established February 2002; on this page only topicalities for 2004-2005 are included; the series was initiated in 2002; click here for the years 2002 and 2003; and here for the years 2006-2007; and here for the years 2008-2009; and here for the years 2010-2011; and here for the years 2012-2013 ) is to alert the visitor of new additions and changes in the Shikanda portal, and reports on recent and forthcoming developments in Wim van Binsbergen's professional activities inthe fields of African Studies, Intercultural Philosophy, Long-Range Cultural Analysis, and Poetry. Hyperlinks give access to the texts in question, and photographs accompany the entries. The information appears in tabulated form. The closer to the top of this page, the more recent an event is. Some events have a page of their own, accessible via a hyperlink; others are merely summarised below, and may then have a simple illustration to mark them.

2. Other sites in the Shakanda portal

if you are through with the topical information below, proceed to the Shikanda portal in order to access all other websites by Wim van Binsbergen: general (intercultural philosophy, African Studies); ethnicity-identity-politics; Afrocentricity and the Black Athena debate; Ancient Models of Thought in Africa, the Ancient Near East, and prehistory; sangoma consultation; literary work  
    contact information Wim van Binsbergen
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4. Shikanda Forum and Message Board

The many issues touched upon in Wim van Binsbergen's research and publications often invite specific comments and queries from site visitors. Often such exchanges have a more than personal relevance, and often others would like to join in. This is now possible with the new Shikanda Forum and Message Board. Free Message Forum from



5. Topicalities: Wim van Binsbergen's recent publications and work in progress

on this page only topicalities for 2004-2005 are included; the series was initiated in 2002; click here for the years 2002 and 2003; and here for the years 2006-2007; and here for the years 2008-2009; and here for the years from 2010-

NB: the default language in this webpage is English; however, the site owner lives and works in the Netherlands, and writes poetry in Dutch; entries reflecting an entirely national Dutch context will be in Dutch, and will be marked by an orange background

the year 2006 would have begun above this line; click here for 2006-2007 ; and for 2008-2009; and for 2010-
December 2005
21 December: publication, under the Editorship of Wim van Binsbergen, of three annual volumes (XVII, XVIII and XIX, for the years 2003, 2004 and 2005) of QUEST: An African Journal of Philosophy / Revue Africaine de Philosophie. These volumes have been realised in collaboration with the Quest Editorial Team, comprising Sanya Osha, Kirsten Seifikar, and Wim van Binsbergen.
Wim van Binsbergen's specific textual contributions to these volumes are the following:

van Binsbergen, W.M.J., 2005, ‘Editorial: The way forward for Quest’, QUEST: An African Journal of Philosophy/ Revue Africaine de Philosophie, XVII, No. 1-2, 2003: 3-12

van Binsbergen, W.M.J., 2005, ‘Editorial: The principal challenge facing the African philosopher today’, QUEST: An African Journal of Philosophy/ Revue Africaine de Philosophie, XVIII, No. 1-2, 2004: 3-8

van Binsbergen, W.M.J., 2005, ‘African Notes on the UNESCO Strategy on Philosophy’, QUEST: An African Journal of Philosophy/ Revue Africaine de Philosophie, XVIII, No. 1-2, 2004: 129-141

van Binsbergen, W.M.J., 2005, ‘Editorial: The Roman Catholic church, and the hermeneutics of race, as two contexts for African philosophy’, QUEST: An African Journal of Philosophy/ Revue Africaine de Philosophie, XIX, No. 1-2, 2005: 3-20

van Binsbergen, W.M.J., 2005, ‘Derrida on Religion: Glimpses of interculturality’, QUEST: An African Journal of Philosophy/ Revue Africaine de Philosophie, XIX, No. 1-2, 2005: 129-152

Moreover, Volume XVII contains the proceedings of the Quest Colloquium ‘The transcultural framework for the construction of African knowledges’, 23 March 2004 / Colloque Quest‘Le cadre transculturel pour la construction des connaissances africaines’, 23 mars 2004, held on the occasion of the publication of Quest vol. XVI. Here the following contributions deals extensively with Wim van Binsbergen's work:

Boele van Hensbroek, Pieter , 2005, ‘Should Intercultural Philosophy Take over from Anthropology in the Study of Culture? In reaction to Wim van Binsbergen’s Intercultural Encounters’, QUEST: An African Journal of Philosophy/ Revue Africaine de Philosophie, XVII, No. 1-2, 2003: 109-124

Devisch, Renaat, 2005, ‘Reading Wim van Binsbergen’s Recent Book Intercultural Encounters’, QUEST: An African Journal of Philosophy/ Revue Africaine de Philosophie, XVII, No. 1-2, 2003: 141-152

16 December 1005, participation in the International Conference on Creation myths and the visual arts (M. Schipper & Daniela Merolla, convenors), Leiden: National Museum of Ethnology; Wim van Binsbergen chairs one of the sessions, and briefly presents his ongoing research on Mythological archaeology, specifically in so far as it offers clues to prehistoric African art; click here for this short presentation; and click here for a more extensive treatment

15 December 2005, seminar paper by Professor Geoffrey Tangwa (Head of Philosophy, University of Yaounde I, Cameroon) at the African Studies Centre, Leiden; the discussant will be Wim van Binsbergen

14 December 2005, at Wim van Binsbergen's PhD seminar, Erasmus University Rotterdam, Prof. Sanya Osha presents a paper entitled 'African philosophy and the project of modernity'

1st December 2005, public lecture commissioned by AfricAvenir, Berlin, Germany, on 'Potential and Contradictions of the African Renaissance' (click here for abstract)

November 2005
Since spring 2005, Mythological archaeology: Reconstructing humankind's oldest discourse, grew from a one-page conference abstract (for the Kyoto/Harvard Round Table on Comparative myth, part of the RIHN 7th pre-Symposium) to a book-length draft manuscript; meanwhile the conference paper was finalised and submitted for the Proceedings (click here for PDF).
October 2005 published: Wim van Binsbergen, 2005, ' ''An incomprehensible miracle'' -- Central African clerical intellectualism versus African historic religion: A close reading of Valentin Mudimbe's Tales of Faith', in: Kai Kresse, ed., Reading Mudimbe, special issue of the Journal of African Cultural Studies, 17, 1, June 2005: 11-65; this is a very slightly edited version of the original 2001 SOAS conference paper, available in html form ever since (click here, also for a shortened version and a TXT version)
September 2005
the book Commodification: Things, Agency and Identities (Wim van Binsbergen & Peter Geschiere, eds., 400 pp; Berlin/Muenster: LIT), was completed for publication and went to the press; click here for a preview of Wim van Binsbergen's introduction ('Commodification: Things, agency, and identities: Introduction', pp. 9-51), which however also requires access to the book's 'Cumulative Bibliography' (pp. 351-378, click here for a preview); also Wim van Binsbergen's paper ‘ ‘‘We are in this for the money'': Commodification and the sangoma cult of Southern Africa' appears in this book in a final version on pp. 319-348 (click here for a preview).

the book was actually published December 2005

Wim van Binsbergen presenteerde een nieuw gedicht, 'Schotersingel', op een openbare bijeenkomst te Haarlem; klik hier voor de tekst.
Augustus 2005
publikatie van het kinderboek Menseneters: koninklijke tijgers en heilige haaien, door Jet Bakels en Anne Marie Boer (verbonden aan het Museon te Den Haag), uitgeverij Leopold, Amsterdam; pp. 84-86 bevatten een geillustreerde bespreking, in zeer eenvoudige taal, van aspecten van het sangomaschap van Wim van Binsbergen
July 2005 Quest: An African Journal of Philosophy/Revue Africaine de Philosophie: volumes XVII and XVIII are currently being prepared for publication and will appear in the Summer of 2005

International conference, Leiden, National Museum for Ethnology (conveners: Philip Peek, Walter van Beek, Jan Jansen, Annette Schmidt): ‘Realities re-viewed / revealed : Divination in sub-saharan africa -- Realités revues / revélées: Divination en afrique sub-saharienne, July 4 – 5, 2005 (click here for final programme); Wim van Binsbergen presented the key note address entitled 'Divination through space and time' (click for fast-loading presentation of a detailed theoretical and comparative argument of set out in more than a hundred slides, with lavish illustrations)

abstract: African divination, the central topic of this timely international conference, does not exist in isolation – just as little as Africa itself does. All literate civilisations of both the Old and the New World possessed elaborate, multiple divination systems – and usually these systems came under the spell of astral divination (astrology) as history proceeded. Two millennia ago, Aristotle, Cicero and Plutarch, and many of their philosophical colleagues, reflected on the rationality and credibility of divination, establishing a philosophical tradition of reflection and debate on divination that has extended to Augustine, Ibn Ezra, Aquinas, Popper, Feyerabend, etc. I am not aware of any non-literate society in historical times that lacks all forms of divination – but there are severe limitations to my cross-cultural overview, and I may be mistaken; we shall come back extensively to the point of divination as a possible cultural universal. Divination, in Africa and elsewhere, tends to pose a strange Janus face to the North Atlantic epistemologist: apparently irrational in its choice of sources of knowledge, it subsequently pursues the acquisition of knowledge in a rational fashion: systematically, intersubjectively, with insistent recourse to causal reasoning and usually with at least the appearances of logic (underneath which often communicative tautologies may be detected). Today the study of divination is the, somewhat disreputable, privilege of anthropology, African Studies, the classics, Sinology, and the history of ideas. Their contention is that divination as a form of knowledge production is nonsensical pseudo-science, but that it is interesting as a cultural phenomenon, especially as a form of local wisdom helping people to sort out their small-scale social and psychological crises. Since 1990 I have been both a practicing African diviner, and a professor of intercultural philosophy/ cultural anthropology. In that period, globalisation and long-range comparative research have been major themes in my work. All this brings me to address, in this key note, the epistemological puzzle of divination, as well as its ramifications in space and time at the descriptive and comparative level.

click here for an extensive list of Wim van Binsbergen's writings on divination (mostly published and in English, mostly available from the Internet)

June 2005 Wim van Binsbergen at the Research Institute for Humanity and Nature (RIHN) and Harvard (Department of Sanskrit and Asian Studies) pre-symposium on Ethnogenesis of South and Central Asia (6-8 June 2005; section on Comparative Myth); and at Kyoto University Graduate School of Asian and African Area Studies (master classes, 10-14 June 2005); click here for full description and access to conference paper

1st June, 2005: GRIPh (Groningen Research Institute of Philosophy) Lecture, Groningen, the Netherlands: Wim van Binsbergen, ‘A major challenge for intercultural philosophy: ‘‘9/11’’ and its aftermath’; click here for abstract; and click here for a provisional version of the full argument

May 2005 Sanya Osha (Centre for Civil Society, University of Kwazulu Natal, South Africa; formerly of the University of Ibadan, Nigeria, and about to take up a Visiting Fellowship at the African Studies Centre, Leiden; member of the Editorial Board of Quest: An African Journal of Philosophy) publishes 'The Frontier of Interculturality: A Review of Wim van Binsbergen's Intercultural Encounters.....' in: Africa Development, XXX, 1-2, 2005, pp. 239-250. Africa Development is the journal of the Council for the Development of Social Science Research in Africa (CODESRIA)
April 2005
Establishment of the website: Reticulum: website of the Intercontinental PhD Network on Intercultural Philosophy, around the chair of Foundations of Intercultural Philosophy, Erasmus University Rotterdam, the Netherlands, in collaboration with the African Studies Centre, Leiden, the Netherlands, with PhD proposals, Forum, chat room, agenda's etc: everythijng to ensure state-of-the-art intercontinental communication between the members of this network
8 april 2005: op het symposium ‘Met drie ogen: Intercultureel doordenken van de kruisbestuiving tussen westerse filosofie en oosterse spiritualiteit’, georganiseerd door Henk Oosterling en Vinod Bhagwandin, Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam, 8 april 2005, ter gelegenheid van het afscheid van Dr Douwe Tiemersma van de faculteit Wijsbegeerte, Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam, hoopt Wim van Binsbergen de bijdrage te presenteren: 'In de ballingschap van het academische woord: ofwel, scheidingen die wel mogen blijven'

samenvatting: Hoewel mijn ondertitel uitdrukkelijk verwijst naar Douwe Tiemersma’s nieuwe boek Verdwijnende scheidingen: Proeve van intercultureel filosoferen (2005), zal mijn bijdrage niet specifiek de polemiek daarmee aangaan (dat zou niet erg feestelijk en misschien zelfs niet erg collegiaal zijn, en bovendien, als vakmatige discussie tussen intercultureel filosofen, onvoldoende recht doen aan de heterogene samenstelling van ons gehoor op dit symposium). In plaats daarvan, zal ik mij vooral afvragen waarom Tiemersma’s zoektocht naar levensrelevantie voor zijn filosoferen, nu juist een beweging heeft moeten zijn wég van de dominante academische filosofie in Nederland vandaan. Ik zal wat parallellen trekken met Otto Duintjers recente werk. Ik zal constateren dat wij ons met de academische filosofie in de Westerse traditie onherroepelijk in de ballingschap van het academische woord hebben begeven. Vanuit Tiemersma’s vooral op Zuid-Azië geinspireerde positie, op het eind van zijn zoektocht, is het ons vergund iets van de beperkingen van die meer algemene academische positie te benoemen. Het is Tiemersma’s verdienste dat hij voor ons enige alternatieven in het zicht brengt die zich kenmerken door wat het academische woord allemaal niet heeft: onder meer lichamelijkheid; onmiddellijkheid in ruimte en tijd; de suggestie van de mogelijkheid te ontstijgen aan de regel van de uitgesloten derde; en voorts het opgeven van de claim van een gepriviligeerde subjectpositie waarvandaan al het andere noodzakelijk tot object moet worden; excentriciteit; en daarmee vooral bescheidenheid. Verwante inzichten doemen op wanneer wij naast die Zuidaziatische inspiratie een of meer perspectieven plaatsen ontleend aan Afrikaanse tradities. Maar terwijl deze excursies ver van huis, best wel verrijkend en opwindend zijn, hoeven wij niet noodzakelijk zo ver te gaan. Dichter bij huis, bieden Derrida, Deleuze en Guattari op vele plaatsen in hun oeuvre aanzetten tot een soortgelijke relativering, vitalisering, en herbronning van de dominante Westerse traditie in de lijn Aristoteles-Scholastiek-Descartes-Kant. Zelfs Plato lijkt (bij herlezing juist van enige van zijn meest gecanoniseerde passages) op deze punten meer te bieden te hebben dan gesuggereerd wordt door zijn ereplaats als de eerste Westerse filosoof die een groot, nog bestaand oeuvre naliet. Maar laten wij niet het kind met het badwater weggooien: ik zal besluiten met te betogen dat, met name in de interculturele filosofie, aan de scheidingen die het academische woord mogelijk maakt, toch een grote persoonlijke en maatschappelijke relevantie en betekenis niet valt te ontzeggen, juist in het huidige tijdgewricht van globalisering en intercultureel conflict.

Second One-day departmental workshop: The mediatic turn: Aspects of the ontology of Mediation, Philosophical Faculty, Erasmus University Rotterdam, conveners: Jos de Mul & Wim van Binsbergen; in this context, Wim van Binsbergen hopes to present a paper entitled: ‘Transcendence and the mediatic turn: An intercultural philosophical perspective from Africa’ (provisional title)

Research programme on Intercultural conflict: Around the chair of intercultural philosophy, EUR, Rotterdam, a major research project is now in preparation, which is to bundle the activities of the various philosophical PhD projects now in progress, or soon to be initiated. On 15th April, 2005(earlier convened for 8th April, but see above: Tiemersma symposium), a first stock-taking meeting of all available PhD students will take place. This will also mark the recommencement of Wim van Binsbergen’s monthly PhD seminar on intercultural philosophy.

Papers in Intercultural philosophy (PIP): the Fall of 2004 saw the announcement (click here for a fuller description (PDF)) of a new series of books, reports and papers around the Erasmus University Rotterdam chair of Intercultural Philosophy. These publications will appear both in electronic form and as printed hard copy. The series will be published in conjunction with Quest: An African Journal of Philosophy/Revue Africaine de Philosophie. Editorial work on the first titles is in progress – they will appear in the course of 2005, which is also when the new PIP website will be established

postscript 2009: with a delay of several years, the series Papers in Intercultural Philosophy -- Transcontinental Comparative Studies (PIP_TraCS) was launched and the first four papers (by Shen, Osha, Mudimbe and van Binsbergen) were published; in the process, the format of the series was somewhat modified and its scope amplified, but not fundamentally altered. Click here for details of the new series (titles, order form and proces of hard copies, free web access), and for the 2009 launching statement

Wim van Binsbergen zal de cursus geven: Grondslagen van interculturele filosofie FW-IF3002, een Bachelor's 3 cursus, in het Nederlands, van begin april tot midden juni 2005, Erasmus University Rotterdam; klik hier voor nadere gegevens; zie ook de eigen website voor deze cursus, klik hier Wim van Binsberen will teach the course: Foundations of Intercultural Philosophy, Bachelor's 3 course, now in Dutch, from early April to mid-June 2005, Erasmus University Rotterdam; click here for details; and check out this course's own website
March 2005

Wim van Binsbergen, 'Towards an Intercultural Hermeneutics of Post-‘9/11’ Reconciliation: Comments on Richard Kearney’s ‘Thinking After Terror: An Interreligious Challenge’, paper in press in the Journal of Interdisciplinary Crossroads, Vol. 2, No. 1 (April, 2005) (click here for PDF; and click here for html)

Intercontinental network of PhD candidates around the chair of Intercultural philosophy, Erasmus University Rotterdam, in conjunction with the African Studies Centre, Leiden: given the difficulties of funding and of creating a congenial and productive working environment for intercultural philosophical research by intercontinental PhD students in the Netherlands, a network is being created of such students working in university positions in their home countries and being supervised via modern electronic media with short annual periods of face-to-face supervision; the PhD trajectory is to be concluded with a few months’  stay in the Netherlands. A number of PhD students in Africa and Asiahave now been registered under this new scheme, and more are to follow.

from 10-26 March 2005 Wim van Binsbergen visited (1) the Universities of Yaoundé I , (2) the Catholic University of Central Africa at Yaounde and (3)the University of Buea, Cameroon: in order to supervise his locally residing PhD students, and to deliver seminars and lectures on intercultural philosophy and related topics; click for a slow-loading page with extensive further details including titles of seminars, hyperlinks to the contents presented, and many high-quality photographs (and click here for a fast-loading version of that page, with low-quality photographs); and click here for the report by Mr Mosima Pius, BA, MA, lecturer at the National Institute for Public Administration, Yaounde, Cameroon, and PhD candidate, who single-handedly organised this trip.

February 2005 28 February: One-day departmental workshop: The mediatic turn: Aspects of the ontology of Mediation, Philosophical Faculty, Erasmus University Rotterdam, conveners: Jos de Mul & Wim van Binsbergen
book project: The mediatic turn: Aspects of the ontology of mediation, eds Wim van Binsbergen & Jos de Mul: In the middle of 2004, at the department (‘leerstoelgroep’) of the Anthropology of Man and Culture (formerly: philosophical anthropology) of the Philosophical Faculty, Erasmus University Rotterdam, a new book project was initiated in order to provide the department with a collective focus and to lend substance to the department’s new research programme entitled ‘The ontology of mediation’. All members of the department, as well as a number of PhD students, are participating in this project, as authors of individual chapters that reflect current theoretical interests and research within the department. Aim of the book project is to signal, to explore, and to help bring about, a new paradigmatic shift in contemporary philosophy: after the linguistic turn and the semiotic turn of the second half of the 20th century, new media and globalisation are now claimed to have brought about a next, mediatic turn. The project thus continues the line of the previous departmental book project, Filosofie in cyberspace (J. de Mul ed., Kampen: Klement, 2002). Of course the project seeks not only to reflect philosophically on state-of-the-art new media and on our globalised North Atlantic world today, but also to extrapolate these insights in order to look at the past, and at other continents and cultures, in a new light. Work on the book is to be very intensive, with one-day departmental workshops in February, April, June and October, and a concluding International Seminar in November, all of 2005. It it hoped that the book will be ready to go to press early 2006.

The Shikanda Forum and Message Board is initiated; click in the following box: Free Message Forum from

collaboration with Karin Wesselink of the Youth and Development journal Samsam towards a website on West African Vodun religion

9 February: interview with Wim van Binsbergen on the IKON Netherlands Broadcasting Network, 15.20-15.45; topic: The constructedness of identity in the public domain -- The proposed revival of the canon of Dutch literature is not going to be a cure for the ills of Dutch multicultural society today.   9 februari: interview met Wim van Binsbergen op IKON radio, 15.20-15.45 uur, over het onderwerp: 'Identiteit in de openbare ruimte is een constructie -- Het recente voorstel om de canon van Nederlandse literatuur te doen herleven biedt volstrekt geen oplossing voor de problemen van de hedendaagse multiculturele Nederlandse samenleving'
Januari 2005 collaboration with A.M.Boer, M.A., Museon museum, The Hague, towards a popular book on man-eating predators
current year: 2005 (begins above this line; the closer to the top of the page, the nearer to 2006)
December 2004 1st December 2004: 'The problem of evil: Introductory remarks from a combined philosophical and anthropological perspective', paper read at the International Colloquium on the Naturalness of Evil, Leiden: African Studies Centre (revised text to be made available shortly)

From September 2004 to January 2005 Wim van Binsbergen had a sabbatical, which he mainly used to finish his 350 pp. study entitled:

Ethnicity in Mediterranean proto-history: Theoretical and methodological explorations (summary to be made available shortly)

and to write and publish the following two books of poetry (click here for Wim van Binsbergen's other literary work)

van Binsbergen, Wim, 2004, Eurydice: Vier dode mannen en een vrouw die leeft, dichtbundel, 30 pp., Haarlem: Uitgeverij Shikanda, december 2004 (PDF)

klik hier voor Wim van Binsbergens gedicht over Theo van Gogh en Mohammed B.

Eurydice verschijnt, na lang zwijgen, als tweede van een reeks dichtbundels die Wim van Binsbergen de laatste jaren schreef. In deze bundel staat centraal de overwinning op de dood, enerzijds door (bij vier mannen: André Saegerman, Julius Nyerere, Vernie February, en de filmmaker Theo van Gogh) de balans van een leven op te maken dat pas in de dood zijn culminatie vindt, anderzijds door (in het geval van het slotgedicht, over de geslaagde worsteling met kanker), als Inanna (de ware Eurydice), de dood zijn gram niet te gunnen en zijn nabijheid slechts als een uitdaging te zien tot leven en tot liefde
October 2004
Een nieuwe dichtbundel van Wim van Binsbergen, Herfstgroei (54 pp.), met vele full-page foto-illustraties, wordt opgeladen op het web; A new book of Dutch poetry, Herfstgroei (54 pp.), with many full-page photographs, is uploaded onto the web
Herfstgroei verschijnt, na lang zwijgen, als eerste van een reeks dichtbundels die Wim van Binsbergen de laatste jaren schreef. In drie-regelige gedichten (geen haiku’s) zijn bekende thema’s van zijn dichterschap aan de orde, maar de natuur neemt inmiddels de plaats in van het veldwerk onder verre volkeren. Ook het niet-menselijke voert naar binnen, en verdient daarom scherpe waarneming (door foto’s ondersteund) maar ook spottende vertrouwelijkheid. Herfstgroeisels (inclusief deze bundel) zijn niet de onwelkome boden van een naderend einde, maar een oproep om binnen nieuwe grenzen de last van het verleden af te leggen, in een compacte, soms hermetische taal.

16 oktober, 19.00 hrs: in the programme 'Spiritus' of the Netherlands TV network NCRV an item is devoted to Wim van Binsbergen's initiation and current work as a sangoma, as a form of African spirituality thus represented in the North Atlantic

The renewed interest in the study of African migration has prompted me to make available on the web An extensive critique of Robert Bates' approach to migration in Zambia, based on multivariate analysis (PDF), published in Cultures et développement 1977, also presented at the African Studies Centre international seminar on migration, Leiden, 1977

September 2004 On the occasion of the inauguration of the Pieter de la Court gebouw housing the entire faculty of social sciences (and a few independent institutions, such as the African Studies Centre), May 1990, a photo exhibition was organised; Wim van Binsbergen's contribution dealt with Ushwana: The name inheriting ritual of the Zambian Nkoya', and has now been prepared for the web (Dutch version; English version in preparation)

for the programme 'Spiritus' of the Netherlands TV network NCRV Wim van Binsbergen prepared a new photo essay of his training and initiation as sangoma spirit medium, 1989-1991

August 2004 In June 2003, Wim van Binsbergen presented a paper: 'Manchester as a birthplace of agency', paper read at the international conference on 'Agency in Africa: An old theme, a new issue', Erasmus University Rotterdam (chair of intercultural philosophy) and Theme Group on Agency in Africa, African Studies Centre (convenors Rijk van Dijk, Wouter van Beek and Wim van Binsbergen, 16 June 2003; this an excerpt (chapter 3) from an unpublished book manuscript: Wim van Binsbergen: Van Vorstenhof tot mediaprodukt: Een culturele antropologie van Afrika, vooral Zambia, 1995, ca. 474 pp. Although there has been no time yet to translate this piece into English, it is now made available in a revised Dutch version, with separate extensive bibliography; bij dezen dus in een herziene Nederlandse versie met uitvoerige aparte bibliografie

to the above piece on the Manchester School, a photographic essay by Wim van Binsbergen has now been added

The complete audio files of a two-hour live interview (in Dutch) with Wim van Binsbergen (interviewer Winfred Kemp), at the Netherlands KRO radio network, 11 August 2004, 8.10-10.00 hrs, on (1) becoming and being a religious anthropologist, (2) rejecting -- at the height of one's academic career -- the objectifying distancing gaze, in order to become a diviner-priest-healer in the African sangoma religion, and subsequently (3) reflecting on that process and its wider epistemological and existential implications, now as a professor of intercultural philosophy De complete audio files van een twee uur durend live interview (in het Nederlands) met Wim van Binsbergen (interviewer Winfred Kemp, 'Dolce Vita') op de KRO, 11 augustus 2004, 8.10-10 uur, over (1) wat is het om religieus antropoloog te worden en te zijn; (2) wat is het om op het hoogtepunt van je academische carriere die objectiverende, afstandelijke blik te verwerpen, en in plaats daarvan waarzegger-priester-genezer in de Afrikaanse sangoma religie te worden; (3) wat is het om vervolgens over dat proces, en zijn verdere kennistheoretische en existentiele strekking, verder na te denken, inmiddels als hoogleraar interculturele filosofie

click here for first hour (20 Mb MP3) klik hier voor het eerste uur van de uitzending
click here for second hour (20 Mb MP3) klik hier voor het tweede uur van de uitzending
(use 'Save Target As... under the right-hand mouse button)

July 2004 As an activity of the Africa Research Centre, Department of Cultural and Social Anthropology, Louvain University, Belgium, an experimental seminar 'Onder den Tooren' took place 1-3 July. Wim van Binsbergen presented an updated version of his extensive paper 'Spirituality and transcendence' (Dutch version).
June 2004 28 June 2004: At the department of the Philosophy of Man and Culture ('Ontology of Mediation'), Erasmus University Rotterdam, Wim van Binsbergen presented a revised version of his paper on 'The underpinning of scientific knowledge systems: Epistemology or hegemonic power? The implications of Sandra Harding’s critique of North Atlantic science for the appreciation of African knowledge systems'. (click for details)

Some of Wim van Binsbergen's older articles inspired by his fieldwork among the Nkoya people, Zambia, appeared to have still some relevance in the context of the discussions of the African Studies Centre's Theme Group on Agency in Africa, and therefore a slightly updated html version was prepared of:
Van Binsbergen, W.M.J., 1987, ‘Culturele dilemma's van de ontwikkelingswerker’, in: Themanummer ‘Over de grenzen van culturen’, ed. H. Procee, Wijsgerig Perspectief op maatschappij en wetenschap, 27, 4, 1986-87, pp. 124-28
and of
Van Binsbergen, W.M.J., F. Reijntjens & G.S.C.M. Hesseling, 1986b, ‘Aspects of modern state penetration in Africa’, in: Van Binsbergen, W.M.J., G. Hesseling en F. Reijntjens, eds.), State and local community in Africa/Etat et Communaute locale en Afrique, Brussels: Cahiers du CEDAF/ASDOC geschriften, 2-3-4/1986, pp. 369-400

Now published in Polylog 2003, 4:

(English version; and also the Spanish version: )

now published: Wim van Binsbergen, 2004, 'Genadendal: voor Vernie, een jaar na zijn dood', in: van den Berg, Erik, & Kraan, Tiny, eds., Koekemakranke: Die pad van Vernie February (1938-2002), Leiden: African Studies Centre

due to pressing commitments at the African Studies Centre, this presentation had to be cancelled) 25 juni 2004, 11:15 hrs: 'Intercontinental complementarity in the current construction of ubuntu philosophy', Wim van Binsbergen's contribution to Afrocentric Management Approaches in South Africa, A two-day expert-meeting jointly organised by the Department of Management and Organisation (Faculty of Economics and Business Administration) and the Department of Culture, Organisation and Management (Faculty of Social Sciences), Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam; Convenors: Prof. Dr. P.A.E van de Bunt, H. van den Heuvel (MA) and Dr. H. Wels, in co-operation with: South Africa Vrije Universiteit Strategic Alliances (SAVUSA), Thursday 24th and Friday 25th June 2004; Venue: Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam;
text still to be written, but click here for Wim van Binsbergen's recent constructive criticism of ubuntu philosophy as published in Quest: An African Journal of Philosophy / Revue African de Philosophie, 2002 (also reprinted in his 2003 book Intercultural Encounters: African and anthropological lessons towards a philosopht of interculturality); for a closely related statement on 'Reconciliation as a major African social technonology of shared and recognised humanity', from the same book (originally a paper delivered at the Human Sciences Research Council, Pretoria, South Africa, 1999); and, also from Quest: An African Journal of Philosophy / Revue African de Philosophie (2004), a related re-analysis of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission, South Africa (1994-1998).

It is a fundamental requirement for the production of valid and ethnically acceptable intercultural knowledge that local people actively and with their own powers of initiative and control participate in the production of social and historical scholarly work concerning their own community. Without feedback, however critical, the production of Africanist knowledge is doomed to remain sterile, hegemonic and irrelevant. In recognition of this principle of intercontinental fellowship in knowledge production, for several decades now major results of Wim van Binsbergen's (Tatashikanda's) work among the Nkoya people of western central Zambia have been circulated locally in printed form, either at greatly reduced prices, or free of charge. In this way Likota lya Bankoya (popular Nkoya edition) and Tears of Rain: Ethnicity and history in central western Zambia (Zambian edition in collaboration with Zambia Educational Publishing House) found their way to the Nkoya people. With the growth of Internet use in Zambia, it has now become opportune to compile a website offering all of Wim van Binsbergen's publications on the Nkoya, along with background information, bibliographies, etc. This website has now been completed and was launched on 15 June 2004. It will ultimately be incorporated in the present Shikanda domain.

8 Juni 2004: 'Het kaleidoscopisch karakter van de Afrikaanse sociale werkelijkheid -- beelden van een NGO in Benin', bijdrage van Wim van Binsbergen aan de jaarlijkse studiedag van het Nederlandse Ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken, Den Haag, en het Afrika-Studiecentrum, Leiden
klik hier voor een voorlopig voorproefje (nog sterk in te korten) van het beeldmateriaal waaraan de lezing zal worden opgehangen

May 2004

29 May, 2004, 'The Leopard in the Garden of Eating: From food for thought to thought for food –
towards a world history of difference',

paper read at, ‘The Garden of Eating: Experiencing the thought of Gilles Deleuze in cultural practices’, 29 May 2004, Rotterdam: Faculties of Philosophy / History and Art; convenor: Rick Dolphijn (click here for html slide show, fast loading)

ABSTRACT: Most philosophers and cultural analysts who let themselves be inspired by Deleuze (and Guattari’s) work concentrate on present-day North Atlantic urban society. Yet the scope of Deleuze and Guattari’s work was far more extended in space and especially in time, and particularly Milles Plateaux (1980) offers perspective on other cultures than the North Atlantic one, and on Palaeolithic and Neolithic cultures in the remote past. The title of this symposium, and the apple as its central emblem (although difficult to spot on the poster), clearly refer to the Garden of Eden, humankind’s mythical original paradise. I will take you to that remotest moment in history: the genesis of humans on the East African savanna over three millions years ago. Our aim will be to explore whether we can discern general, perhaps universal, patterns in human thought; trace the unfolding of these patterns over time; interpret and explain these patterns philosophically in a manner inspired by Deleuze (and Guattari); and in the process link the ‘food for thought’ theme to that of ‘thought for food’; particularly in a philosophical reflection on the emergence of agriculture as systematic production of food; using leopard symbolism and speckledness as our index fossil

28 May, 2004: member of 'inner' (i.e. decisive) PhD examination committee, drs Dolphijn, Erasmus University Rotterdam; title of thesis: Foodscapes: Towards a Deleuzian ethics of consumption (supervisors Paul Patton and Arjo Klamer); defense 28 May 2004

27-28 May, 2004:
'The contemporary manifestation of Deep Structure in Africa'
paper read at: The Concept of Agency in African History:
A workshop on structure and agency in African history

27 – 28 May 2004
Leiden, African Studies Centre, Leiden; convenor: Jan-Bart Gewald (click here for the full updated slide show (NOW html i.e. fast loading)

8-10 May 2004: Round Table on Myth, Department of Sanskrit and Indian Studies, Harvard University, Boston, USA, with a paper on ‘Long-range mythical continuities across Asia and Africa: Linguistic and iconographic evidence concerning leopard symbolism’

April 2004
15 April 2004: official publication date of Wim van Binsbergen & Rijk van Dijk, eds, Situating Globality: African Agency in the Appropriation of Global Culture, Leiden: Brill, African Dynamics series (African Studies Centre Yearbook 2003), 314 pp. (click for details and orders)

For the next academic year (2004-2005) a new course format was defined for Wim van Binsbergen's teaching on Intercultural Philosophy at Erasmus University Rotterdam /
Voor het komende academisch jaar (2004-2005) werd een nieuwe opzet gegeven aan Wim van Binsbergens onderwijs in Interculturele Filosofie aan de Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam

21 April 2004, lezing: 'Een onderzoek naar spiritualiteit vertrekkend vanuit Otto Duintjers Onuitputtelijk is de Waarheid'. Onderdeel van 'Het andere gezicht van de filosofie: Vijf filosofen met inzichten en vermoedens vanuit een spirituele achtergrond', lezingenreeks in het kader van het tweede lustrum van Filosofie Oost-West in samenwerking met Studium Generale van de Universiteit van Utrecht, Academiegebouw, Domplein 29, Utrecht

publication of the article: van Binsbergen, W.M.J., 2004, 'Atena Nera: La tesi di Bernal ha provocato reazioni in diverse discipline, dalla storiografia all'antropologia e pone ancora problemi di epistemologia multiculturale', Prometeo: Rivista trimestrale di scienze e storia, 22, 85 (March 2004): 102-111

One of the projects currently being finalised is the book Four Tablets: An African divination system through space and time, initiated in the early 1990s, and since then the topic of numerous articles and papers. In the process, a major 1996 paper was revised and prepared for the Web: 'The astrological origin of Islamic geomancy' (paper read at The SSIPS/ SAGP 1996, 15th Annual Conference: ‘Global and Multicultural Dimensions of Ancient and Medieval Philosophy and Social Thought: Africana, Christian, Greek, Islamic, Jewish, Indigenous and Asian Traditions’, Binghamton University, Department of Philosophy/ Center for Medieval and Renaissance studies (CEMERS), October 1996 (PDF))

published: Wim van Binsbergen, 2004, 'Challenges for the sociology of religion in the next fifty years: The case of Africa', Social Compass, 51, 1: 85-98, Spring 2004. (cf. July 2003, below)

since long out of print and now finally made available on the web as PDF

lya tikitiwile na ba Rev. Johasaphat Malasha Shimunika (author)
lya manishiwile na ba Wim van Binsbergen [ Tatashikanda] (editor)

Likota lya Bankoya
Nkoya edition

Leiden: African Studies Centre Research Reports No. 31 B / 1988

March 2004
1) Publication of volume XVI (1-2) of Quest: An African Journal of Philosophal / Revue Africaine de Philosophie, the first volume of this journal to appear under the editorial responsibility of Wim van Binsbergen; this is a special issue entitled:

Rhetorical Approaches to Democratic Deliberation in Africa and beyond
Philippe-Joseph Salazar, Sanya Osha, Wim van Binsbergen (Eds.), 278 pp.

this includes Wim van Binsbergen's Editorial (Quest: An African Journal of Philosophy, XVI: 5-12) and his paper: Postscript: Aristotle in Africa – Towards a Comparative Africanist reading of the South African Truth and Reconciliation Commission  (Quest: An African Journal of Philosophy, XVI: 238-272)

2) Organisation of an international Colloquium to celebrate this occasion:

The transcultural framework for the construction of African knowledges:

Methodological, epistemological, and political considerations

  Le cadre transculturel pour la construction des connaissances africaines:

Considérations méthodologiques, épistémologiques et politiques


time: Tuesday/mardi 23rd March/mars, 2004, 13.30-17.00 hrs

place: African Studies Centre, Pieter de la Court building, Faculty of Social Sciences, Wassenaarseweg 52, Leiden, room: 1A47

Key note speaker: the leading African philosopher Paulin Hountondji (Benin), member of the Quest Advisory Board, to whom the first copy of Quest XVI was officially presented

other speakers: Pieter Boele van Hensbroek, Julie Ndaya, René Devisch, Wim van Binsbergen

External examiner, PhD thesis, department of anthropology, University of Cape Town, South Africa

published: Wim van Binsbergen, 2004, 'Aspects of Democracy and Democratization in Zambia and Botswana', in: Tom Young,. ed., Readings in African Politics, International Africa Institute in cooperation with Indiana University Press and James Currey, London etc., 2004: 202-214; reprinted from the Journal of Contemporary African Studies, 1995
February 2004 guest lecture: 'The dynamics of globalisation in Africa: An overview', lecture in the M.A. course Globalization & Inequality: An Interfaculty Course in Development Studies (Prof. Louk de la Rive Box), Universiteit Maastricht, 13th edition 2003-2004, 12 february 2004, 13.00-15.00 hrs
January 2004 15-17 January 2004: Participation in the Deuxième Conference des Ambassadeurs de la Renaissance Africaine, Cotonou, Bénin (organised by Africa Cultures), where Wim van Binsbergen was scheduled to present a paper on 'Historical Trajectories of Pan-Africanism'
2004 begins above this line; click here for the years 2002 and 2003

on this page only topicalities for 2004-2005 are included; the series was initiated in 2002; click here for the years 2002 and 2003; and here for the years 2006-2007; and here for the years 2008-2009; and here for the years 2010-2011; and here for the years 2012-2013

proceed to the Shikanda portal in order to access all other websites by Wim van Binsbergen: general (intercultural philosophy, African Studies); ethnicity-identity-politics; Afrocentricity and the Black Athena debate; Ancient Models of Thought in Africa, the Ancient Near East, and prehistory; sangoma consultation; literary work


page last modified: 21-04-2013 11:49:06