Now available as PDF downloads: Wim M.J. van
Binsbergen, Tears of Rain: Etnicity and History in
Central Western Zambia, London/Boston: Kegan Paul
International, 1992 -- Zambian edition in
collaboration with Zambia Education Publishing House,
Lusaka, 1994 (the preceding link takes you to a page
where the book is described in detail and where you can
order a discounted physical copy)
The links below take you to the electronic version in
the form of PDFs. In this electronic version, pagination
differs slightly from the published version. Due to
graphical materials included, some of these files are
large (several Mb), therefore, before opening or
printing, downloading on your computer with 'Save Target
as...' under righthand mouse button may be advisable
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click here
for a full description of the book and directions as to
order a physical copy