no. |
full bibiographical description, and
link |
remarks etc. |
1 |
van Binsbergen, Wim M.J., 1988 ,‘Stedelijke
Cultuur in Francistown, Noordoost-District, Botswana:
Voorstel voor een exploratief onderzoek', Leiden: African
Studies Centre, 32 pp. |
in Dutch
2 |
Binsbergen, Wim M.J., 1989, Provisional bibliography of
the Kalanga and North East Botswana (draft), ARU/ASC
Progress Report no. 2, Research project: 'The growth of
urban society in Francistown', Francistown: African
Studies Centre University of Leiden / Applied Research
Unit Ministry of Local Government and Lands Republic of
Botswana |
3 |
Binsbergen, Wim M.J., 1989 (b), (with the assistance of
E. Krijnen) ‘A preliminary quantitative analysis of
plot ‘‘owners’’ in the PWD squatter area,
Francistown, 1989’, Francistown: Applied Research Unit
Ministry of Local Government and Lands, Republic of
Botswana/ African Studies Centre, Leiden, 90 pp. |
4 |
Binsbergen, Wim M.J., 1989, ‘Housing procedures and
urban social patterns: A preliminary statistical analysis
of applications for site-&-service (SHHA) plots in
Francistown in the years 1984-1988,’ Francistown:
Applied Research Unit Ministry of Local Government and
Lands, Republic of Botswana/ African Studies Centre,
Leiden, 75 pp. |
5 |
Binsbergen, Wim M.J., 1990, 'Church, cult, and lodge: In
quest of therapeutic meaning in Francistown, Botswana',
paper presented at the 6th Satterthwaite Colloquium on
African Religion and Ritual, Cumbria (U.K.), April 21-24,
1990; at: |
6 |
Binsbergen, Wim M.J., 1990, ‘Een maaltijd op het land:
Religieus veldwerk in Botswana, 1990’, in D. Foeken
& K. van der Meulen, Eten met Gerrit: Een bloemlezing
van eet- en drinkervaringen van Nederlandse afrikanisten,
gegarneerd met toepasselijke recepten; samengesteld ter
gelegenheid van het afscheid van Gerrit Grootenhuis als
algemeen secretaris van het Afrika-Studiecentrum, Leiden:
African Studies Centre, 1990, pp. 112-122. |
in Dutch
7 |
van Binsbergen, W.M.J., 1991, ‘De chaos
getemd? Samenwonen en zingeving in modern Afrika’, in:
H.J.M. Claessen red., De chaos getemd?, Leiden:
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen, Rijksuniversiteit
Leiden, 1991, pp. 31-47; also
as fulltext at: |
in Dutch
8 |
van Binsbergen, Wim M.J., 1991, ‘Becoming a
sangoma: Religious anthropological field-work in
Francistown, Botswana’, Journal of Religion in Africa,
21, 4: 309-344. |
reprinted in: van
Binsbergen, W.M.J., 2003, Intercultural encounters:
African and anthropological towards a philosophy of
interculturality, Berlin / Boston / Muenster: LIT; also as webpage at my site on African religion |
9 |
van Binsbergen, Wim M.J., 1993, ‘Making sense
of urban space in Francistown, Botswana’, in: P.J.M.
Nas, ed., Urban symbolism, Leiden: Brill, Studies in
Human Societies, volume 8, pp. 184-228. |
10 |
van Binsbergen, Wim M.J., 1993, ‘African
Independent churches and the state in Botswana’, in M.
Bax & A. de Koster, eds., Power and prayer: Essays on
Religion and politics, CentREPOL-VU Studies 2, Amsterdam:
VU University Press, pp. 24-56. |
11 |
van Binsbergen, Wim M.J., 1994, ‘Minority
language, ethnicity and the state in two African
situations: the Nkoya of Zambia and the Kalanga of
Botswana’, in: Fardon, R. & Furniss, G., red.,
African languages, development and the state, Londen
etc.: Routledge, pp. 142-188. |
12 |
van Binsbergen, Wim M.J., 1994,
‘Proposed research programme: Traditional healing in
Botswana today’, Leiden: African Studies Centre,
memorandum to the Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of
Health, Republic of Botswana, 9 pp |
13 |
van Binsbergen, W.M.J., 1994,
‘Statement of intent: Proposed joint research on
ethnicity in Botswana: A programme to be undertaken by
the National Institute of Development Research and
Documentation, University of Botswana, and the African
Studies Centre, Leiden University, The Netherlands’,
research proposal, WOTRO programme on globalization and
the construction of communal identities, 14 pp. |
14 |
van Binsbergen, Wim M.J., 1995, ‘Four-tablet
divination as trans-regional medical technology in
Southern Africa’, Journal of Religion in Africa, 25, 2:
114-140 |
15 |
van Binsbergen, Wim M.J., 1995, ‘Aspects of
democracy and democratisation in Zambia and Botswana:
Exploring political culture at the grassroots’, Journal
of Contemporary African Studies, 13, 1: 3-33. |
reprinted as item 27 |
16 |
van Binsbergen, Wim M.J., 1995, ‘Globalisation
and decivilisation in urban Botswana: Towards a
transcultural aesthetics?’, paper read at the EIDOS
(European Interuniversity Development Opportunity Studies
network) Conference on globalisation and decivilisation,
Agricultural University Wageningen, The Netherlands,
14-16 December 1995, 20 pp. |
17 |
van Binsbergen, Wim M.J., 1996, ‘Transregional
and historical connections of four-tablet divination in
Southern Africa’, Journal of Religion in Africa, 26, 1:
2-29 |
18 |
van Binsbergen, Wim M.J., 1997, Virtuality as a
key concept in the study of globalisation: Aspects of the
symbolic transformation of contemporary Africa, The
Hague: WOTRO, Working papers on Globalisation and the
construction of communal identity, 3. |

contains discussions of Francistown urban culture as
being virtualised |
19 |
van Binsbergen, Wim M.J., 1998, ‘Sangoma in
Nederland: Over integriteit in interculturele
bemiddeling’, in: Elias, M., & Reis, R., eds.,
Getuigen ondanks zichzelf: Voor Jan-Matthijs Schoffeleers
bij zijn zeventigste verjaardag, Maastricht: Shaker, pp.
1-29 |
revised English
version as item 25 in Dutch

20 |
van Binsbergen, Wim M.J., 1999, ‘Mary’s
room: A case study on becoming a consumer in Botswana,
Francistown’, in: Fardon, R., van Binsbergen, W.M.J.,
& van Dijk, R., 1999, eds., Modernity on a
shoestring: Dimensions of globalization, consumption and
development in Africa and beyond: Based on an EIDOS
conference held at The Hague 13-16 March 1997,
Leiden/London: EIDOS [ European Interuniversity
Deveopment Opportunities Study group ] , pp. 179-206 |
21 |
van Binsbergen, Wim M.J., 2000, ‘La chambre de
Mary, ou comment devenir consommatrice a Francistown,
Botswana’, in: de Lame, D., & Zabus, C., 2000,
eds., Changements au feminin en Afrique noire:
Anthropologie et literature, vol I., Anthropologie,
Paris: L’Harmattan, pp. 37-85 |
22 |
van Binsbergen, W.M.J., 2000, ‘Crossing
cultural boundaries’, Compass Newsletter: For
endogenous development, Number 3, July 2000,
‘Vitality, Health and Disease: In soils, crops, animals
and people’, guest editor Sarshan Shankar, pp. 12-13. |
23 |
van Binsbergen, W.M.J., 2003, ‘Sangoma en
filosoof: Eenheid in de praktijk, dilemma in de
theorie’, in: Bulhof, I.N., Poorthuis, M., &
Bhagwandin, V., eds., Mijn plaats is geen plaats:
Ontmoetingen tussen wereldbeschouwingen, Kampen:
Klement-Pelckmans, pp. 219-231 |

in Dutch |
24 |
van Binsbergen, Wim M.J., 2003, ‘The
translation of Southern African sangoma divination
towards a global format, and the validity of the
knowledge it produces’, in: van Binsbergen, Wim M.J.,
Intercultural encounters: African and anthropological
lessons towards a philosophy of interculturality,
Berlin/Muenster, LIT, pp. 235-297 |
25 |
Binsbergen, Wim M.J., 2003, 'Sangoma in the North
Atlantic region: On integrity in intercultural
mediation', in: van Binsbergen, Wim M.J., Intercultural
encounters: African and anthropological lessons towards a
philosophy of interculturality, Berlin/Muenster, LIT, pp.
195-233. |
26 |
Binsbergen, Wim M.J., 2003, 'The high priest’s two
riddles: Intimations of sangomahood as a translocal
idiom’, in: van Binsbergen, Wim M.J., Intercultural
encounters: African and anthropological lessons towards a
philosophy of interculturality, Berlin/Muenster, LIT, pp.
299-313. |
27 |
van Binsbergen, Wim M.J., 2004,
'Aspects of Democracy and Democratization in Zambia and
Botswana', in: Tom Young,. ed., Readings in African
Politics, International Africa Institute in cooperation
with Indiana University Press and James Currey, London
etc., 2004: 202-214 |
reprinted from the Journal of Contemporary
African Studies, 1995 (= item 15) |
28 |
van Binsbergen, Wim M.J., 2003, 'Improvising
away from fixed verbal formulae in the four-tablet oracle
of sangomas in contemporary Botswana', paper presented at
the session ‘Het discours van de expert, orale traditie
tussen formule en uitvoeringtradition between formula and
’ (‘the expert’s discourse: oral
performanceAssociation of African Studies, 2003 ’),
Convenor: Jan Jansen, Netherlands Conferentie
perspectives in Africa studies’, 26 ‘Power, Politics
and Poetry: Dutch september, Faculteit Sociale
Wetenschappen, Pieter de la Courtgebouw, Wassenaarseweg
52, Leiden |
29 |
van Binsbergen, Wim M.J., 2005, ‘ ‘‘We are
in this for the money’’: Commodification and the
sangoma cult of Southern Africa’ in: van Binsbergen,
Wim M.J., & Peter Geschiere, 2005, eds.,
Commodification: Things, Agency and Identities: The
social life of Things revisited, Berlin/Muenster: LIT,
ISBN 3-8258-8804-5, pp. 319-348 + bibliography pp.
351-378; full text at: (bibliography at: ) |
30 |
in het kader van de
Jumelage Genk (Belgie) / Francistown, hield ik een
voordracht: 'De
stad Francistown in Noord Oost Botswana, geschetst in
haar sociaal-historische ontwikkeling: Presentatie voor
de Gemeentelijke Stuurgroep Jumelage Genk / Francistown,
Gemeentehuis, Genk (Belgie)', dinsdag 20 april 2010,
11.00-13.30 uur; klik hier om deze presentatie te openen |
in Dutch