World views, science and us (conference Brussels 2003): Wim van Binsbergen's contribution


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June 2003

'The translation of Southern African sangoma divination towards a global format, and the validity of the knowledge it produces'

paper read at the symposium ‘World views, Science and Us’, Brussels, Centre Leo Apostel, Free University Brussels, Belgium, 10 June 2003

sangoma diviners, Botswana

Wim van Binsbergen's divining apparatus

screendump of the Macintosh program emulating Southern African sangoma divination

J.B. and L. Rhine, founding parents of parapsychology (

W.H.C. Tenhaeff, godfather of parapsychology in the Netherlands (

the throbbing complexity of a full astrological
analysis ('theme') as a possible vehicle for
extrasensory knowledge; the theme shown
happens to be the birth horoscope of Edgar
Cayce, the most renounced USA-born psychic
(click on thumbnail, and expand further,
using ) (

Paul Feyerabend, anarchistic philosopher of science, and champion of astrology (

Dugald Stermer's artistic impression of Rupert Sheldrake
and his ideas (

Newton, setting the parameters for the practical 'Newton world' on the basis of human sensory faculties (

Sandra Harding, intercultural
philosopher of science (

displaced Fock states as an experimental
demonstration of quantum nonlocality
of the original Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen
state (click on thumbnail to enlarge) (

braving the Newton world: hunters in South African rock art (



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page last modified: 20-04-2013 16:59:07