Wim van Binsbergen, Virtuality as a key concept in the study of globalisation: Aspects of the symbolic transformation of contemporary Africa
Figure 1. The global pattern of formation and diffusion of geomantic divination systems, 1000 BCE-2000 CE
- Sikidy of Madagascar and Comoro Isl.
- ramalasastra of India
- Ifa, Fa, 'sixteen cowries', of West Africa and the New World
- Southern African four-tablet system
- simple geomancies of the African interior
- I Ching system of China
- 'ilm al-raml and European derivates (since the late Middle Ages)
- focal points in the distribution of geomancy: A. China (1st mill. BCE); B. N.W. Africa (before 1st mill. CE); C. South Mesopotamia (end of 1st mill. CE); D. Madagascar (2nd mill. CE); E. West Africa (2nd mill. CE)
- probable diffusion pattern of geomancy
(c) 1997, 1999 Wim van Binsbergen
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