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van Binsbergen W. M. J., 1987,
‘Chiefs and the State in Independent Zambia : exploring the
Zambian National Press’, in J. Griffiths et E. A. B. van
Rouveroy van Nieuwaal (eds), Journal of Legal Pluralism, special
issue on chieftainship in Africa, n° 25-26, pp. 139-201.
- Introduction
- An Example: The 1987 Kuomboka Ceremony
- Background
- Chiefs and Journalists
- Three Academic Views on Zambian Chiefs
Part II
- The Negative Image of Chieftainship
- The Positive Image of Chieftainship: Land, Order and
- Chiefs and National Politics
- The Amazing Career of Princess Nakatindi
- Essential Continuity yet Qualitative Difference: The
Chief as Bridge
- Chiefs in Search of Patrons and Protectors
- The Subjugation of Chiefs by State Bureaucracies
- The Relative Suppression of Chiefly Symbolism
- The Selective Use of Chiefly Symbolism by State Officials
- Conclusion
Part III
- References
- Appendix: Titles, Sources and Dates of
Newspaper Items in the 1972-1973 Corpus
- Table 1. The neo-traditional and modern
political career of Princess Nakatindi, 1922-1972.
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