From an African bestiary to universal
science? Diagram 9
by Wim van Binsbergen
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9. Interpretation of the results of cluster analysis on
world-wide patterns of animal symbolism
- (1) Late Palaeolithic cultural substratum i.e.
cluster (C)
- (2) ancient Egypt as a centre of cultural
innovative transformation
- (3) sphere of influence of (2): the ‘Black
Athena’ region i.e. cluster (A)
- (4) ancient Mesopotamia (with possible extension
to Persian Gulf and Indus valley) as a centre of cultural
innovative transformation
- (5) sphere of influence of (4): the ‘South
Erythraean’ region i.e. cluster (D)
- (6) approximate distribution area of animal demon
beliefs and representations
- (7) postulated diffusion of hypothetically
original African animal symbolism over the rest of the
world in the context of the demographic expansion of
somatically modern man.
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