From an African bestiary to universal
science? Diagram 1
Wim van Binsbergen
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1. Locations of eleven knowledge systems containing animal
symbolism as included in the present analysis
- (1) animal demons world-wide; this is also the
extent of the distribution area of the attestations of
the central mytheme ‘hero fights monster’ (cf. Table
- (2) symbols of Egyptian nomes
- (3) major Egyptian gods
- (4) figurines in the Chokwe divining basket,
Angola, Zambia and Zaire
- (5) nomenclature of Nkoya clans, western central
- (6) nomenclature of Tswana clans, Botswana and
South Africa
- (7) Chinese zodiac
- (8) Chinese lunar mansions
- (9) the 36 Babylonian stars
- (10) modern international constellations
- (11) major Greek gods
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