A provisional bibliography of the Black Athena debate in the strict sense


by Wim van Binsbergen

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Note: This provisional bibliography lists all publications known to me to meet either of the following two specifications:

(a)  written and published by Martin Gardiner Bernal up to 1997 in the context of his Black Athena project (his Sinological and Vietnam-related work is deliberately omitted, and his work on Black Athena published after 1997 remains to be added); or

(b)  written and published by others than Bernal and explicitly referring to the material under (a).

I have included under (b) some publications which make only a passing reference to (a), but given the enormous popularity of the Black Athena books I must have omitted scores if not hundreds of others to which the same applies. Of course the Black Athena debate cannot be appreciated unless against the background of an enormous specialist scholarly literature, on archeology, history, anthropology, historical linguistics, Egyptology, Assyriology, African Studies, etc. This background literature is not included here, but is amply represented in the other pages of the bibliographical section of this website.

  Note: Cette bibliographie provisoire contient tous les publications satisfaisants (dans la mesure de ma connaissaince actuelle, et bien incomplète) une des conditions suivantes:

(a)  écrites et publiées par Martin Gardiner Bernal avant 1998 dans le cadre de son project Black Athena (ses ouvrages relatés à l’Extrème Orient sont delibérément ignorés ici, et ses publications sur Black AthenaI parues après 1997 doivent encore être ajoutés); ou bien,

(b)  écrites et publiées par d’autres auteurs que Bernal, et faisaint référence explicite au materiel présenté sous (a).

Sous (b) j’ai inclu quelques publications qui ne réfèrent à (a) qu’en passant; néanmoins, étant donné l’extrème popularité de la série Black Athena il est inévitable que j’aille omis des dizaines si non des centaines d’autres publications qui, elles aussi, réfèrent en passant au débat sur Black Athena. Naturellement, le débat sur Black Athena ne peut être compris que contre l’arrière-plan d’une énorme littérature spécialisée appartenant à l’archéologie, l’histoire, l’anthropologie, la linguistique historique, l’égyptologie, l’assyriologie, les études africaines, etc. Cette litérature de l’arrière-plan n’est pas inclue ici, mais elle est largement présentée dans les autres pages de la section bibliographique de cette site-toile.



Adeboyo, D., 1987, Weekend Voice, Spring.

Aischylos, 1991, De smekelingen, transl. G. Komrij, Amsterdam: International Theatre & Film Books / Theater van het Oosten.

Allen, N. 1990. ‘Black Athena: An Interview with Martin Bernal.’ Free Inquiry 10: 18-22.

Allen, P.S., 1992, ‘Black Athena’, American Anthropologist 94, no. 4: 1024-1026. (Film review).

Ampim, Manu, 1994, ‘The Problem of the Bernal-Davidson School’, in: Van Sertima, I., ed., Egypt: Child of Africa, New Brunswick, NJ: Transaction Books, pp. 191-204.

Anderson, Perry, 1987, ‘The Myth of Hellenism: Review of Black Athena I’, The Guardian, May 3, 1987, p. 14.

Aneer, G., 1995, ‘Comments on Martin Bernal’s Black Athena’, VEST: Tidskrift for Vetanskapsstudier, 8: 38-42.

Anonymous , 1991, [ Review of Black Athena II ], Antiquity, 65.249, December, p. 981.

Anonymous, 1996, ‘New Spaces, Old Debates’, [ editorial ] , Washington Post, April 29, 1996.

Appiah, K.A., 1993. ‘Europe Upside Down: Fallacies of the New Afrocentrism.’ Times Literary Supplement (London), 12 February, pp. 24-25.

Asante, M.K., 1990, Kemet, Afrocentricity, and Knowledge, Trenton, N.J.: Africa World Press.

Asante, M.K., 1991, ‘Response. Challenging Tradition: Cultural Interaction in Antiquity and Bernal’s Black Athena’, tape 5B.

Asante, M.K., 1994, ‘Review of Martin: The Jewish Onslaught’, Journal of Black Studies, 25, 1.

Astrom, Paul, 1995, ‘Comments on Martin Bernal’s Black Athena’, VEST: Tidskrift for Vetanskapsstudier 8: 43-47.

Aune, J., 1993, [ Review of Black Athena I & II ] , Quarterly Journal of Speech, 79: 119-22.

Baines, J., 1991, ‘Egyptian Myth and Discourse: Myth, Gods and the Early Written and Iconographic Record’, Journal of Near Eastern Studies, 50, 2.

Baines, J., 1991. ‘Was Civilisation Made in Africa?’ New York Times Book Reviews, 11 August, pp. 12-13.

Baines, J., 1996, ‘On the aims and methods of Black Athena’, in: M.R. Lefkowitz & G. MacLean Rogers, eds., Black Athena revisited, Chapel Hill & London: University of North Carolina Press, pp. 27-48.

Baldini, Alessandra, 1991, ‘Classico d’Egitto: Intervista con Martin Bernal’, Panorama November 24, 1991, 112-117.

Bard, K. 1992 . ‘Ancient Egyptians and the Issue of Race.’ Bostonia, 2: 41-43, 69.

Bard, K., 1966, ‘Ancient Egyptians and the Issue of Race’, in: M.R. Lefkowitz & G. MacLean Rogers, eds., Black Athena revisited, Chapel Hill & London: University of North Carolina Press, pp. 103-111.

Barringer, F., 1990. ‘Africa’s Claim to Egypt’s History Grows More Insistent’, New York Times, 4 February, E6.

Basch, Sophie, 1997, ‘Quels ancêtres pour les Grecs?’, Quinzaine Litteraire, January 16-31.

Bass, G., 1989, ‘Responses’, in: Levine, M. Myerowitz, & Peradotto, J., eds., The challenge of Black Athena, special Arethusa, 22 (Fall): 111-113.

Begley, S. 1994, ‘Out of Africa, a Missing Link.’ Newsweek, October 3, pp. 56-57.

Begley, S., Chideya, F., & Wilson, L., 1991. ‘Out of Egypt, Greece.’ Newsweek, 23 September, 49-50.

Berlinerblau, J., 1996, ‘Black Athena Redux: Review of Mary Lefkowitz’s Not Out of Africa and Black Athena Revisited, ed. M. Lefkowitz and G. MacLean Rogers.’ Nation, October 28, pp. 42-48.

Berlinerblau, J., 1996, ‘Response to Lefkowitz and Rogers.’ Nation December 30, 1996, 2, 23.

Berlinerblau, J., 1997, ‘Northwest Semites in the Aegean? Evaluating the Gordon-Astour-Bernal School’, Paper delivered at the annual meeting of the Society for Biblical Literature, San Francisco, November 22.

Berlinerblau, J., 1999, Heresy in the University: The Black Athena controvery and the responsibilities of American intellectuals, New Brunswick etc.: Rutgers University Press.

Bernal, M. Gardiner, 1980, ‘Speculations on the disintegration of Afroasiatic’, paper presented at the 1st international Conference of Somali Studies, Mogadishu, July.

Bernal, M. Gardiner, 1980, ‘Speculations on the disintegration of Afroasiatic’, paper presented at the 8th conference of the North American Conference of Afroasiatic Linguistics, San Francisco, April.

Bernal, M. Gardiner, 1983, ‘On the westward transmission of the Canaanite alphabet before 1500 BC’, paper presented to the American Oriental Society, Baltimore (April).

Bernal, M. Gardiner, 1983, ‘On the westward transmission of the Semitic alphabet before 1500 BC’, paper read at the Hebrew University, Jerusalem (June).

Bernal, M. Gardiner, 1985, ‘Black Athena: The African and Levantine Roots of Greece,’ in: African Presence in Early Europe, Van Sertima, I., ed., special issue, Journal of African Civilizations, November, 7, 2: 66-82; also published as a book, Van Sertima, I., ed., African Presence in Early Europe, New Brunswick, N.J.: Transaction Books, pp. 66-82.

Bernal, M. Gardiner, 1985, ‘Review of Judaisme et Christianisme, by Ernest Renan, Texts Selected by A. de Benoist.’ French Studies, 39: 92-93.

Bernal, M. Gardiner, 1985, ‘Review of Sign, Symbol, Script: An Exhibition on the Origins of Writing and the Alphabet, ed. M. Carter and K. Schoville.’ Journal of the American Oriental Society 105, 4: 736-737.

Bernal, M. Gardiner, 1986, ‘Black Athena Denied: The Tyranny of Germany over Greece and the Rejection of the Afroasiatic Roots of Europe, 1780-1980’, Comparative Criticism, 8: 3-69.

Bernal, M. Gardiner, 1987, ‘On the Transmission of the Alphabet into the Aegean before 1400 B.C.’, Bulletin of the American School of Oriental Research, 267: 1-19.

Bernal, M. Gardiner, 1987, ‘Review of The Topography of Thebes: From the Bronze Age to Modern Times, by Sarantis Symeonoglou’, Journal of the American Oriental Society, 107: 557-558.

Bernal, M. Gardiner, 1987, ‘Unacceptable Face of the Ancient Greek’, Guardian, March 2, 1987, p. 19.

Bernal, M. Gardiner, 1987, Black Athena: The Afroasiatic Roots of Classical Civilization, Vol. I, The Fabrication of Ancient Greece 1787-1987, London: Free Association Books/ New Brunswick: Rutgers University Press.

Bernal, M. Gardiner, 1988, ‘The British Utilitarians, Imperialism and the Fall of the Ancient Model’, Culture and History, 3 98-117.

Bernal, M. Gardiner, 1989, ‘Black Athena and the APA [ Americal Philological Association ] ’, in: Levine, M. Myerowitz, & Peradotto, J., eds., The challenge of Black Athena, special issue of Arethusa, 22 (Fall): 17-37.

Bernal, M. Gardiner, 1989, ‘Classics in Crisis: An Outsider’s View’, in: Culham, P., and Edmunds, L., 1989, eds. Classics: A Discipline and Profession in Crisis, Lanham, Md.: University Press of America, pp. 69-74.

Bernal, M. Gardiner, 1989, ‘First By Land, Then by Sea: Thoughts about the Social Formation of the Mediterranean and Greece’ in: Genovese, E.D., and Hochberg, L., eds., Geographic Perspectives in History: Essays in Honour of Edward Whiting Fox, Oxford: Blackwell, pp. 3-33

Bernal, M. Gardiner, 1989, ‘Response to Professor Snowden’, in: Levine, M. Myerowitz, & Peradotto, J., eds., The challenge of Black Athena, special issue of Arethusa, 22 (Fall): 30-32.

Bernal, M. Gardiner, 1989, ‘Response to Professor Turner’, in: Levine, M. Myerowitz, & Peradotto, J., eds., The challenge of Black Athena, special issue of Arethusa, 22 (Fall): 26-30.

Bernal, M. Gardiner, 1989, ‘Responses’, in: Levine, M. Myerowitz, & Peradotto, J., eds., The challenge of Black Athena, special issue of Arethusa, 22 (Fall): 111-113. [ check if these pages are written by Bernal or by Bikai ]

Bernal, M. Gardiner, 1990, ‘Response to Jonathan Hall, ‘Black Athena: A Sheep in Wolf’s Clothing?’’ ’, Journal of Mediterranean Archaeology 3 (1990): 275-279.

Bernal, M. Gardiner, 1990, ‘Response to Sturt Manning, ‘‘Frames of Reference for the Past: Some Thoughts on Bernal, Truth and Reality.’’ Journal of Mediterranean Archaeology, 3: 280-282.

Bernal, M. Gardiner, 1990, ‘Responses to Critical Reviews of Black Athena: The Afroasiatic Roots of Classical Civilization. Volume One: The Fabrication of Ancient Greece, 1785-1985.’ Journal of Mediterranean Archaeology, 3: 111-137.

Bernal, M. Gardiner, 1990, Cadmean letters: The transmission of the alphabet to the Aegean and further west before 1400 B.C., Winona Lake (Ind.): Eisenbrauns.

Bernal, M. Gardiner, 1991, ‘Response to Edith Hall’, Arethusa, 25: 203-214.

Bernal, M. Gardiner, 1991, ‘Review of The Origins of Writing, ed. W. Senner’, Journal of the American Oriental Society, 111: 826-827.

Bernal, M. Gardiner, 1991, Atena nera: Le radici afroasiatiche della civilita classica. Translated by L. Fontana, Parma: Pratiche.

Bernal, M. Gardiner, 1991, Black Athena: The Afro-Asiatic Roots of Classical Civilization. II, The Archaeological and Documentary Evidence. London: Free Association Books; New Brunswick, N.J.: Rutgers University Press.

Bernal, M. Gardiner, 1991, Response. Challenging Tradition: Cultural Interaction in Antiquity and Bernal’s Black Athena, tape 7A.

Bernal, M. Gardiner, 1992, ‘A Response to John Coleman (Part II)’, The Bookpress 2, 2: 2, 13.

Bernal, M. Gardiner, 1992, ‘Animadversions on the Origins of Western Science’, in: special section, ‘The Cultures of Ancient Science.’ Isis, 83, 4 (December): 596-607

Bernal, M. Gardiner, 1992, ‘Bernal Replies to New York Review Attack’, Bookpress (April): 2, 4, 9, 13-14.

Bernal, M. Gardiner, 1992, ‘Questioning the History of Western Civilization: Response to Mary Lefkowitz’, Chronicle of Higher Education, May 27, 1992, B4.

Bernal, M. Gardiner, 1992, ‘Review of Freedom in the Making of Western Culture, by Orlando Patterson’, American Journal of Sociology, 97: 1471-1473.

Bernal, M. Gardiner, 1992, ‘Roots: Response to Mary Lefkowitz’, New Republic, March 9, 1992, pp. 4-5.

Bernal, M. Gardiner, 1992, ‘The Case for Massive Egyptian Influence in the Aegean’, Archaeology, 45: 53-55, 82-86.

Bernal, M. Gardiner, 1992, Schwarze Athene: Die afroasiatischen Wurzeln der griechischen Antike: Wie das klassische Griechenland ‘erfunden’ wurde, Translated by J. Rehork, Munich: List Verlag.

Bernal, M. Gardiner, 1992. ‘Response to Mary Lefkowitz, Not Out of Africa’ New Republic, 9 March, pp. 4-5.

Bernal, M. Gardiner, 1993, ‘Black Athena: Hostilities to Egypt in the eighteenth century’, in: Harding, S., ed., The ‘Racial’ Economy of Science: Toward a Democratic Future. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, [ add pages ].

Bernal, M. Gardiner, 1993, ‘Paradise Glossed: Review of Maurice Olender, The Languages of Paradise: Race, Religion, and Philology in the Nineteenth Century’, Studies in History and Philosophy of Science, 24: 669-75.

Bernal, M. Gardiner, 1993, ‘Phoenician Politics and Egyptian Justice in Ancient Greece,’ in: Raaflaub, K., ed., Anfänge politischen Denkens in der Antike: Die nah-östlichen Kulturen und die Griechen, München: Oldenbourg, pp. 241-61.

Bernal, M. Gardiner, 1993, ‘Response to S.O.Y. Keita’, Arethusa 26, 3: 315-318.

Bernal, M. Gardiner, 1993, ‘Response: The Debate over Black Athena’, Journal of Women’s History 4, 3: 119-135.

Bernal, M. Gardiner, 1993, Atenea Negra: Las raices afroasiaticas clasicas. Vol. 1, La invencion de la antigua Grecia, 1785-1985, Translated by T. de Lozoya, Barcelona: Editorial Critica.

Bernal, M. Gardiner, 1994, ‘Basil Davidson: A Personal Appreciation’, Race and Class, 36, 2: 101-103.

Bernal, M. Gardiner, 1994, ‘Response to Robert Palter’, History of Science, 32, 4: 445-464.

Bernal, M. Gardiner, 1994, ‘Socrates’ Ancestry in Question: Response to Mary Lefkowitz’, Academic Questions, 7: 6-7.

Bernal, M. Gardiner, 1994, ‘The Image of Ancient Greece as a Tool of Colonialism and European Hegemony’, in: Bond, G.C., and Gilliam, A., eds, Social Construction of the Past Representation as Power, London: Routledge, pp. 119-128.

Bernal, M. Gardiner, 1995, ‘Black Athena and Her Reception’ [ check ‘Black Athena—The Historical Construction of Europe’ ] , VEST: Tidskrift for Vetanskapsstudier, 8: 11-24.

Bernal, M. Gardiner, 1995, ‘Greece: Aryan or Mediterranean? Two Contending Historiographical Models’, In: Federici, Silvia, ed,. 1995, Enduring Western Civilization: The Construction of the Concept of Western Civilization and Its ‘Others’, Westport, Conn.: Praeger, pp. 3-11.

Bernal, M. Gardiner, 1995, ‘Race, Class, and Gender in the Formation of the Aryan Model of Greek Origins’, South Atlantic Quarterly Journal 94: 987-1008.

Bernal, M. Gardiner, 1995, ‘Responses on the Comments.’ VEST: Tidskrift for Vetanskapsstudier 8: 53-58.

Bernal, M. Gardiner, 1995, ‘Review of Sarah P. Morris: Daidalos and the Origins of Greek Art’, Arethusa, 28, 1: 113-135.

Bernal, M. Gardiner, 1996, ‘Burkert’s Orientalizing Revolution: Review of Walter Burkert, The Orientalizing Revolution’, Arion, 4: 136-147.

Bernal, M. Gardiner, 1996, ‘Review of Not out of Africa’, Bryn Mawr Classical Review, Internet journal.

Bernal, M. Gardiner, 1996, ‘The Afrocentric Interpretation of History: Bernal Replies to Lefkowitz’, Journal of Blacks in Higher Education, 11: 86-94.

Bernal, M. Gardiner, 1996, ‘Whose Greece?’ Review of Not Out of Africa, by M. Lefkowitz, and Black Athena Revisited, ed. M. Lefkowitz and G. M. Rogers, London Review of Books, December 12, 1996, pp. 17-18.

Bernal, M. Gardiner, 1996, Black Athena: Les racines afro-asiatiques de la civilisation classique, vol. 1: L’invention de la Grèce antique, 1765- 1985, Paris, Presses Universitaires de France.

Bernal, M. Gardiner, 1997, ‘Response to Arno Egberts’, in: van Binsbergen, W.M.J., ed., Black Athena: Ten Years After, Hoofddorp: Dutch Archaeological and Historical Society, special issue of Talanta: Proceedings of the Dutch Archaeological and Historical Society, vols 28-29, 1996-1997, pp. 165-171.

Bernal, M. Gardiner, 1997, ‘Response to Josine Blok’, in: van Binsbergen, W.M.J., ed., Black Athena: Ten Years After, Hoofddorp: Dutch Archaeological and Historical Society, special issue of Talanta: Proceedings of the Dutch Archaeological and Historical Society, vols 28-29, 1996-1997, pp. 209-218.

Bernal, M. Gardiner, 1997, ‘Responses to Black Athena: General and Linguistic Issues’, in: van Binsbergen, W.M.J., ed., Black Athena: Ten Years After, Hoofddorp: Dutch Archaeological and Historical Society, special issue of Talanta: Proceedings of the Dutch Archaeological and Historical Society, vols 28-29, 1996-1997, pp. 65-98.

Bernal, M. Gardiner, forthcoming, Black Athena writes back, Duke University Press, forthcoming.

Bernal, M. Gardiner, in press, ‘Response to John Baines’, typescript.

Bernal, M. Gardiner, in press, ‘Review of ‘‘Word games: The linguistic evidence in Black Athena’, Jay H. Jasanoff & Alan Nussbaum’, typescript.

Bernal, M. Gardiner, in press, Response to L.A. Trite, typescript.

Bernal, M. Gardiner, in press, [ 1997 ] ‘Three critiques of my historiography by Norton, Palter and Blok’, typescript.

Bernal, M. Gardiner, zzz(in preparation), Black Athena Writes Back, Durham, Duke University Press.

Bernal, M. Gardiner, [ year ] , ‘Nig(g)er was beautiful’, in: Chavalas, M., Festschrift or Michael Astour, Bethesda (MD): CDL Press, [ add pages ]

Best, J.G.P., 1995, ‘Racism in classical archaeology’, Talanta: Proceedings of the Dutch Archaeological and Historical Society, 27: [ add pages ]

Best, J.G.P., 1997, ‘The ancient toponyms of Mallia: A post-Eurocentric reading of Egyptianising Bronze Age documents’, in W. van Binsbergen (ed.), 1996- 1997, Op. cit, pp. 99-129.

Best, J.G.P., 1997, ‘The ancient toponyms of Mallia: A post-Eurocentric reading of Egyptianising Bronze Age documents’, in: van Binsbergen, W.M.J., ed., Black Athena: Ten Years After, Hoofddorp: Dutch Archaeological and Historical Society, special issue of Talanta: Proceedings of the Dutch Archaeological and Historical Society, vols 28-29, 1996-1997, pp. 99-129.

Bettini, Maurizio, 1992, ‘Ma Atena non era nera.’ Republica, January 30, 1992, p. 34.

Bikai, P. Maynor, 1989, ‘Responses’, in: M. Myerowitz Levine & J. Peradotto, eds., The challenge of Black Athena, Arethusa special Issue, (Fall 1989): 111-114. [ check if these pages are written by Bernal or by Bikai ]

Bikai, P. Maynor, 1990. ‘Black Athena and the Phoenicians.’ Journal of Mediterranean Archaeology 3, 1: 67-75.

Black Athena discussion page on the Internet: http://sunsite.unc.edu/uncpress/newsbytes/lefko.html. [ check ]

Black Athena, 1991, Videotape produced by Tariq Ali and directed by Christopher Spencer for the Bandung File, London: Bandung Ltd.; San Francisco: California Newsreel.

Blakely, A., 1993, Black in the Dutch world: The evolution of racial imagery in a modern society, Bloomington etc.: Indiana University Press.

Blok J.H., 1997, ‘Proof and persuasion in Black Athena I: The case of K.O. Müller’, in: van Binsbergen, W.M.J., ed., Black Athena: Ten Years After, Hoofddorp: Dutch Archaeological and Historical Society, special issue of Talanta: Proceedings of the Dutch Archaeological and Historical Society, vols 28-29, 1996-1997, pp.173-208.

Blok, J.H., 1996, ‘Proof and persuasion in Black Athena: The case of K.O. Müller’, Journal of the History of Ideas, 57, 4: 705-724.

Bommeljé, B., 1997, ‘Waren de Grieken afronauten?’, NRC-Handelsblad, boekenbijlage, book review section, 2nd May, 1997, p. 37.

Bommeljé, B., 1998, ‘Een weerlegd Afrocentrisch paradigma’, NRC-Handelsblad, 2/1/1998.

Bond, G.C., and Gilliam, A., 1994, ‘Introduction’, in: Bond, G.C., and Gilliam, A., eds, Social Construction of the Past Representation as Power, London: Routledge, pp. 1-22.

Bower, B., 1991, ‘Beware of Greeks Bearing Culture,’, Science News 140: 380.

Bowersock, G.W., 1989, [ Review of Black Athena I ] , Journal of Interdisciplinary History, 19: 490-91.

Bowersock, G.W., 1996, ‘Rescuing the Greeks: A Classicist Defends the Traditional Version of Greek Cultural Achievement’, New York Times Book Review, February 25, 1996, pp. 6-7.

Boynton, Robert S, 1996, ‘The Bernaliad: A Scholar-Warrior’s Long Journey to Ithaca’, Lingua Franca (November 1996): 43-50.

Brace, C. L., D. P. Tracer, L. A. Yaroch, J. Robb, K. Brandt, and A. R. Nelson. 1993. ‘Clines and Clusters versus ‘Race’: A Test in Ancient Egypt and the Case of a Death on the Nile.’ Yearbook of Physical Anthropology 36: 1-31.

Brace, C. L., D. P. Tracer, L. A. Yaroch, J. Robb, K. Brandt, and A. R. Nelson. 1996. ‘Clines and Clusters versus ‘Race’: A Test in Ancient Egypt and the Case of a Death on the Nile.’ in: M.R. Lefkowitz & G. MacLean Rogers, eds., 1996, Black Athena revisited, Chapel Hill & London: University of North Carolina Press, pp. 129-164.

Branham, B., 1989, ‘Hellenomania’, Liverpool Classical Monthly, 14: 56-60.

Broadhead, Frank, 1987, ‘The African Origins of ‘‘Western Civ.’’ ’, Radical America, 21: 29-37.

Burstein S. M., 1996, ‘The debate over Black Athena’, Scholia, ns., 5: 3-16.

Burstein S. M., 1998, ‘Egypt and Greece: Afrocentrism and Greek History’, Were the Achievements of Ancient Greece Borrowed from Africa 8 (Proceedings from a Seminar sponsored by the Society for the Preservation of the Greek Heritage, and co-sponsored by Georgetown University, Held At The Intercultural Center, Georgetown University, Washington D. C., 16 nov. 1996), pp. 21 -33.

Burstein, S.M., 1993. ‘Review of Black Athena, II’, Classical Philology 88, 2: 157-62.

Camporesi, Cristian., 1994, ‘Review of Atena nera I’, Religioni e Societa, 18: 123.

Cantarella, E., 1992, ‘Venere di cioccolata’, l’Unità, May 11, 1992. [ check ]

Carruthers, J. 1992, ‘Outside of Academia: Bernal’s critique of the Black champions of ancient Egypt’, Journal of Black Studies, 22, 4: 459-476.

Carson, Tom, 1996, ‘Greece Is the Word: Afrocentrism and Its Discontents’, Village Voice, April 16, 1996, p. 20.

Cartledge, P.A., 1991, ‘Out of Africa?: Review of Black Athena Two’, New Statesman and Society, August 16, 1991, 4 (164): 35-36.

Cartledge, P.A., 1995, ‘ ‘‘We are all Greeks’’? Ancient (especially Herodotean) and modern contestations of Hellenism’, Bulletin of the Institute of Classical Studies, n. s. 2, pp. 75-82.

Cartledge, P.A., 1998, ‘Classics: from discipline in crisis to (mult-cultural) capital’, in: Too, Y.L., & Livingstone, N., eds., Padagogy and opower: Rhetorics of classical learning, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 16-28.

Cartledge, P.A., 2000, ‘Martin Bernal et la fureur Black Athena’, in: Fauvelle-Aymar, F.-X., Chrétien, J.-P., & Perrot, C.-H., Afrocentrismes: L’histoire des Africains entre Égypte et Amérique, Paris: Karthala, pp. 47-63.

Challenging Tradition: Cultural Interaction in Antiquity and Bernal’s Black Athena. 1991. Proceedings of a conference held at Temple University, 19-20 October. Audio and videotape. Temple University Classics Department, Philadelphia.

Cline, E., 1990, ‘An Unpublished Amenhotep III Faience Plaque from Mycenae’, Journal of the American Oriental Society 110: 200-212.

Cline, E., 1996, ‘Review of Black Athena Revisited, ed. M. Lefkowitz and G. Rogers’, American Journal of Archaeology, 100: 781-782.

Cohen, Walter, 1993, ‘An Interview with Martin Bernal.’ Social Text, 35: 1-24.

Coleman, J.E., 1992, ‘Did Egypt Shape the Glory That Was Greece? The Case Against Martin Bernal’s Black Athena’,Archaeology, 45, 5: 48-52, 77-81.

Coleman, J.E., 1996. ‘Did Egypt Shape the Glory That Was Greece?’ , in: Lefkowitz, M.R., & MacLean Rogers, G., eds., Black Athena revisited, Chapel Hill & London: University of North Carolina Press, pp. 280-301.

Conyers, James L., Jr, 1996, ‘Review of Mary Lefkowitz, Not Out of Africa’, Journal of Black Studies 27: 130-131.

Coughlin, E.K., 1991, ‘In Multiculturalism Debate, Scholarly Book on Ancient Greece Plays Controversial Part: Afrocentric Scholars and Classicists at Odds over Black Athena’, Chronicle of Higher Education, 31 July, 1991, A5-A6.

Coughlin, E.K., 1996, ‘Not Out of Africa: Wellesley Classicist’s Book Seeks to Refute Afrocentric Views about Egyptian Influence on Ancient Greece’, Chronicle of Higher Education, February 16, 1996.

Couprie, D.L., 1996, ‘The concept of space and the ‘‘Out of Africa’’ discussion’, paper read at ‘The SSIPS [ Society for the Study of Islamic Philosophy and Science ] / SAGP [ Society of Ancient Greek Philosophy ] 1996, 15th Annual Conference: ‘‘Global and Multicultural Dimensions of Ancient and Medieval Philosophy and Social Thought: Africana, Christian, Greek, Islamic, Jewish, Indigenous and Asian Traditions, Binghamton University’’, Department of Philosophy/ Center for Medieval and Renaissance studies (CEMERS).

Currie, H.M. ‘, 1989, ‘Review of Black Athena I’, Theory, Culture, and Society, 6: 328.

Davidson, B., ‘The ancient world and Africa: Whose roots?’ [ Review of M. Bernal, Black Athena I ] , Race and Class: A Journal for Black and Third World Liberation, 29, 2: 1-15.

Davidson, B., 1994, ‘The Ancient World and Africa: Whose Roots?’, in: Davidson, B., The search for Africa: History, culture, politics. New York: Times Books/ London: Currey. 318-33.

Davies, W.V., & L. Schofield, 1995, Egypt, the Aegean and the Levant: Interconnections in the Second Millennium B.C., London: British Museum Press.

De Melis, Federico, 1991, ‘Black Athena’, Manifesto, December 8, 1991, pp. 23-24.

de Benedetti, R., 1993, ‘Il Cielo Infinito d’Oriente che Illuminio il Partenone’, Avvenire, April 3, 1993 [ add pages ]

Derks, H., 1995, De koe van Troje: De mythe van de Griekse oudheid, Hilversum: Verloren.

Diagne P., 1997, Cheikh Anta Diop et l’Afrique dans I’histoire du monde, Paris: L’Harmattan.

Duodu, C., 1987, ‘The Road to Athens from Alexandria’, South (July) pp. 118-119.

Dyson, M.E., 1992, ‘On Black Athena: An Interview With Martin Bernal.’ Z Magazine, 5: 56-60.

Early, G., W. Moses, L. Wilson, and M. Lefkowitz, 1994, ‘Symposium: Historical Roots of Afrocentrism’, Academic Questions, 7: 44-54.

Egberts, A., 1997, ‘Consonants in collision: Neith and Athena reconsidered’, in: van Binsbergen, W.M.J., ed., Black Athena: Ten Years After, Hoofddorp: Dutch Archaeological and Historical Society, special issue of Talanta: Proceedings of the Dutch Archaeological and Historical Society, vols 28-29, 1996-1997, pp. 149-163.

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Myerowitz, M. Levine, see: Levine, M. Myerowitz

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Palter, R.A., 1996, ‘Eighteenth-Century Historiography in Black Athena’, in: Lefkowitz, M.R., & MacLean Rogers, G., eds., Black Athena revisited, Chapel Hill & London: University of North Carolina Press, pp. 349-402.

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Person-Lynn, Kwaku, 1996, First Word: Black Scholars, Thinkers, Warriors, New York. [ check year of publication; check if this is really related to Black Athena debate ]

Poliakoff, M., 1991, ‘Roll over, Aristotle: Martin Bernal and His Critics’, Academic Questions, 4, 3: 12-28.

Pounder, R.L., 1992, ‘Black Athena II: History without Rules’, American Historical Review 97, 2: 461-64.

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Reiss, T.J., 1992, ‘Review of Black Athena II’, Canadian Review of Comparative Literature, 19, 3: 429-435.

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Richlin, Amy, 1989, ‘Responses’, in: Levine, M. Myerowitz, & Peradotto, J., eds., The challenge of Black Athena, special issue of Arethusa, 22 (Fall): 113.

Rogers G. MacLean, 1996, ‘Quo vadis?’, in: Lefkowitz, M.R., & MacLean Rogers, G., eds., Black Athena revisited, Chapel Hill & London: University of North Carolina Press, pp. 444-454.

Rogers, G. MacLean , 1996, ‘Multiculturalism and the foundations of Western civilization’, in: Lefkowitz, M.R., & MacLean Rogers, G., eds., Black Athena revisited, Chapel Hill & London: University of North Carolina Press, pp. 428-445.

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Scholzel, Arnold, 1996, ‘Besprechungen: Review of Schwarze Atena’, Argument, 215: 437-439.

Shanks, Michael, 1992, ‘Greeks and Gifts: Review of Black Athena I and II’, History Today, 42: 56-57.

Snowden, F.M, Jr, 1989, Jr, ‘Bernal’s ‘Blacks,’ Herodotus, and Other Classical Evidence.’ in: Levine, M. Myerowitz, & Peradotto, J., eds., The challenge of Black Athena, special issue of Arethusa, 22 (Fall): 83-95.

Snowden, F.M., Jr, 1993, ‘Response [ to S. O. Y. Keita ]’, Arethusa, 26: 319-327.

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Tate, G., 1989, ‘History The Colorized Version: Or, Everything You Learned in School Was Wrong’, The Village Voice, 34 (28 March, 1989): 48-50. [ Review of Black Athena I, with G. G. M. James’s Stolen Legacy and I. K. Kush’s What They Never Told You in History Class ] .

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The Yale Journal of Criticism [ allegedly a special issue devoted to Black Athena sometime between 1987 and 1997 ]

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van Binsbergen, W.M.J., 1996, ‘Black Athena and Africa’s contribution to global cultural history’, Quest — Philosophical Discussions: An International African Journal of Philosophy, 9, 2 and 10, 1: 100-137.

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van Binsbergen, W.M.J., 1997, ed., Black Athena: Ten Years After, Hoofddorp: Dutch Archaeological and Historical Society, special issue of Talanta: Proceedings of the Dutch Archaeological and Historical Society, vols 28-29, 1996-1997.

van Binsbergen, W.M.J., 1997b, ‘Alternative models of intercontinental interaction towards the earliest Cretan script’, in: van Binsbergen, W.M.J., ed., Black Athena: Ten Years After, Hoofddorp: Dutch Archaeological and Historical Society, special issue of Talanta: Proceedings of the Dutch Archaeological and Historical Society, vols 28-29, 1996-1997, pp. 131-148.

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