Provisional bibliography of Afrocentricity II

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Howe, S., 1999, Afrocentrism: Mythical pasts and imagined homes, London/New York: Verso, first published 1998

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Hall, Jonathan, 1990, ‘Black Athena: A Sheep in Wolf’s Clothing?’, Journal of Mediterranean Archaeology 3.

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Hancock, Graham, 1995, Fingerprints of the Gods, London

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Harper, Phillip Brian, 1993, ‘Nationalism and Social Division in Black Arts Poetry of the 1960s’, Critical Inquiry 19, 2.

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Haywood, Harry, 1978, Black Bolshevik, Chicago, .

Hechter, Michael, 1975, Internal Colonialism: The Celtic Fringe in British National Development, 1536-1966, London, .

Hedges, R.E.M. and Sykes, B.A., 1993, ‘The Extraction and Isolation of DNA from Archaeological Bone’, in Davies and Walker, eds, .

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Hill, Christopher, 1972, The World Turned Upside Down, London; cited from 1984 Penguin edn, .

Hill, Christopher, 1977, Milton and the English Revolution, London, .

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Hill, Robert A., ed. with Barbara Bair, 1987, Marcus Garvey: Life and 1, essons: A Centennial Companion to the Marcus Garvey and Universal Negro Improvement Association Papers, Berkeley, CA, .

Hill-Lubin, Mildred A., 1992, ‘Presence Africaine A Voice in the Wilderness, a Record of Black Kinship’, in Mudimbe, ed.

Hilliard, Asa G., 1986, ‘Pedagogy in Ancient Egypt’, in Karenga and Carruthers, eds

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Hilliard, Asa G., 1994a, ‘Bringing Maat, Destroying Isfet: The African and African Diasporic Presence in the Study of Ancient KMT’, in Van Sertima, ed.

Hilliard, Asa G., 1994b, ‘Kemetic Concepts in [Education’, in Van Sertima, ed.

Hilliard, Asa G., ed. 1989, : Infusion of African and African American Content in the School Curriculum, Morristown, NJ,

Hilliard, David and Cole, Lewis, 1993, This Side of Glory: The Autooiography of David Hilliard and the Story of the Black Panther Party, Boston, MA

Hine, Darlene Clark, ed. 1986, The State of Afro-American History, Baton Rouge, LA

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Hoffman, Michael, 1991, Egypt Before the Pharaohs, 2nd edn, Austin, TX

Holl, Augustin, 1990, ‘West African Archaeology: Colonialism and Nationalism’, in Robertshaw, ed.

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Holland, Luke, 1990, ‘Whispers from the Forest: The Excluded Past of the Ache Indians of Paraguay’, in Storle and MacKenzie, eds

Holloway, Joseph E., 1990, Africanisms in American Culture, Bloomington, IN,

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Hoskins, Linus A., 1992, ‘Eurocentrism vs. Afrocentrism: A Geopolitical Linkage Analysis’, Journal of Black’ Studies 23, 2.

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Hourani, Albert, 1991, A History of the Arab Peoples, London

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Huggins, Nathan I., 1986, ‘Integrating Afro-American History into American History’, in Hine, ed.

Huggins, Nathan I., 1990, Black Odyssey: The African-American Ordeal in Slavery, New York, 2nd edn

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Jean, Clinton M., 1991, Behind the Eurocentric Veils, Amherst, MA

Jenkyns, Richard, 1996, ‘Bernal and the Nineteenth Century’, in Lefkowitz and Rogers, eds

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Jones, Simon, 1988, Black Culture, White Youth, London

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Jordan, Keith, 1987, ‘The African Presence in Ancient America: Evidence from Physical Anthropology’, in Van Sertima, ed.

Joseph, George Gheverghese, 1991, The Crest of the Peacock: Non-European Roots of Mathematics, London

Joseph, Gloria 1., 1990, ‘Sojourner Truth: Archetypal Black Feminist’, in Braxton and McLaughlin, eds

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Kaufman, Jonathan, 1988, Broken Alliance: The Turbulent Times between Blacks and Jews in America, New York

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Keita, S.O.Y., 1992, ‘Further Studies of Crania from Ancient Northern Africa: An Analysis of Crania from First Dynasty Tombs, Using Multiple Discriminant Functions’, American Journal of Physical Anthropology 87, 3.

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