Provisional bibliography of Afrocentricity I

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Howe, S., 1999, Afrocentrism: Mythical pasts and imagined homes, London/New York: Verso, first published 1998

(1) A... thru G... 

Abbott, E., 1988, Haiti: The Duvaliers and their legacy, NewYork

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Adams, Hunter Havelin III,. 1983, ‘African Observers of the Universe: The Sirius Ouestion’, in Van Sertima, ed.In Blacks in Science: Ancient and Modern, edited by I. Van Sertima, 140-56. New Brunswick, N.J.: Transaction Books.

Adams, Hunter Havelin III,. 1983b, ‘New Light on the Dogon and Sirius’, in Van Sertima, ed. In Blacks in Science: Ancient and Modern, edited by I. Van Sertima, 140-56. New Brunswick, N.J.: Transaction Books.

Adams, William Y., 1977, Nubia: Corridor to Africa, Princeton, NJ

Adams, William Y., 1984, ‘The First Colonial Empire: Egypt in Nubia, 3200-1200 BC’ Comparative Studies in Society and History 26, 1.

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Ajayi, J.F. Ade and Crowder, Michael, eds 1976, History of West Africa, vol. 1, 2nd edn London

Ajayi, J.F. Ade and Crowder, Michael, eds 1985, History of West Africa, vol. 1, 3rd edn London

Akbar, Na’im, 1984, Chains and Images in Psychological Slavery Jersey City, NJ,

Akbar, Na’im, 1991, Visions for Black Men, Nashville, TN

Akbar, Na’im, 1994, ‘Nile Valley Origins of the Science of the Mind’, in Van Sertima, ed.,

Al-Azmeh, Aziz, 1992, ‘Barbarians in Arab Eyes’, Past &/Present 134.

Alexander, J A, 1988, ‘The Saharan Divide in the Nile Valley The Evidence from Oasr Ibrim’, African Archaeological Review 6, 1.

Ali, Ahmed and Ibrahim, 1993, The Black Celts: An Ancient African Civilisation in Ireland and Britain, 2nd edn Cardifi

Ali, Shahrazad, 1989, The Blackman’s Guide to Understanding the Blackwoman, Philadelphia, PA

Ali, Shanti Sadiq, 1996, The African Dispersal in the Deccan, London

Allen, Robert L., 1969, Black Awakening in Capitalist America, Garden City, NY,

Alleyne, Mervyn, 1988, Roots of Jamaican Culture, London, .

Amadiume, lfi,  1987, Afrikan Matriarchal Foundations: The Igbo Case, London, ,

Amen, Nur Ankh, 1993, The Ankh: African Origin of Electromagnetism Jamaica, NY

Amin, Samir, 1989, Eurocentnsm, London

Ampim, Manu, 1994, ‘The Problem of the Bernal-Davidson School’, in Van Sertima, ed.

Andah, Bassey, 1993, ‘Identifying Early Farming Traditions of West Africa’, in Shaw et al., eds

Andah, Bassey, 1995a, ‘European Encumbrances to the Development of Relevant Theory in African Archaeology’, in Ucko, ed.

Andah, Bassey, 1995b, ‘Studying African Societies in Cultural Context’, in Schmidt and Patterson, eds

Anderson, S.E., 1995, The BlachHolocaustfor Beginners, NewYork

Anderson, Tony, 1995, ‘Blowing Smoke: Exposing Empty Criticism of Afrocentricity’, in Ziegler, ed.

Ani, Marimba, 1994, Yurugu: An African-Centered Critique of European Cultural Thought and Behaviour, Trenton, NJ, . See also Richards, Dona.

Anon., 1987, ‘Back to the Blackland’, West Africa 6July.

Anthony, David H., 1994, ‘Max Yergan and South Africa: A Transatlantic Interaction’, in Lemelle and Kelley, eds

Anttila, Raimo, 1989, An Introd uction to Historical and Comparative Linguistics, 2nd edn Amsterdam, PA

Appadurai, Arjun et al., 1994, ‘Editorial Comment: On Thinking the Black Public Sphere’, Public Culture 7, 1.

Appiah, Kwame Anthony, 1985, ‘The Uncompleted Argument: Du Bois and the Illusion of Race’, Critical Inquiry 12, 1.

Appiah, Kwame Anthony, 1992, InMyFather’sHouse:Africa in the philosophy of Culture, London

Appiah, Kwame Anthony, 1992/3, ‘African-American Philosophy?’, The Philosophical Forum XXIV, 1-3.

Armah, Ayi Kwei, 1973, Two Thousand Seasons, London: cited from 1979 pb. edn

Armah, Ayi Kwei, 1995, Osiris Rising: A Novel of Africa Past, Present and Future, Popenguine, Senegal

Armelagos, George J. and Mills, James O., 1993, ‘Paleopathology as Science: The Contribution of Egyptology’, in Davies and Walker, eds

Arnold, A. James, 1981, Modernism and Ne’gritude: The Poetry and Politics of Aime Césaire, Cambridge, MA

Asante, Molefi K., 1980a, ‘The Communicatiion Person in Society’ in Asante end Vandi, eds

Asante, Molefi K., 1980b, ‘International/Intercultural Relations’, in Asante and Vandi, eds

Asante, Molefi K., 1985a, ‘Afrocentricity and Culture’, in Asante and Welsh Asante, eds

Asante, Molefi K., 1985b, ‘The African Essence in African-American Language’, in Asante and Welsh Asante, eds

Asante, Molefi K., 1987, The Afrocentric Idea, Philadelphia, PA

Asante, Molefi K., 1988, Afroc.entricity, 3rd rev. edn Trenton, NJ

Asante, Molefi K., 1990, Kemet, Afrocentricity, and Knowledge, Trenton, NJ

Asante, Molefi K., 1991/1997, ‘The Afrocentric Idea in Education’; orig. pub. in Journal of Negro Education Spring 1991; cited from Van Deburg, ed., 1997.

Asante, Molefi K., 1991a, ‘Putting Africa at the Center’, Newsweek, 23 September.

Asante, Molefi K., 1993a, ‘Racism, Consciousness, and Afrocentricity’, in Early, ed.

Asante, Molefi K., 1993b, Malcolm X as Cultural Hero and Other Afrocentric Essays, Trenton, NJ, #

Asante, Molefi K., 1994, ‘Review of Martin: The Jewish Onslaught’, Journal of Black Studies 25, 1.

Asante, Molefi K., 1995a, ClassicalAfrica, Maywood, NJ

Asante, Molefi K., 1995b, African American History, Maywood, NJ

Asante, Molefi K., 199lb, ‘Multiculturalism without Hierarchy: An Afrocentric Reply to Diane Ravitch’, The American Scholar60, 25.

Asante, Molefi K., 199lc, The Book of African Names, Trenton, NJ

Asante, Molefi K. and Abdulai S. Vandi, eds 1980, contemporary Black Thought: Alternative Analyses of Social and Behavioural Science, Beverly Hills, CA

Asante, Molefi K. and Abu S. Abarry, eds 1996, Afrtican Intellectual Heritage: A Book of Sources, Philadelphia, PA

Asante, Molefi K. and Kariamu Welsh Asante, eds 1985, African Culture: The Rhythms of Unity, Westport, CT

Assmann, Jan, 1989, Ma ‘at: L’Egypte pharaonique et l’idee de justice sociale, Paris

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Assmann, Jan, 1995, Egyptian Solar Religion in the New Kingdom: Re, Amun and the CTisis of Polytheism, London

Assmann, Jan, 1996, ‘The Mosaic Distinction: Israel, Egypt and the Invention of Paganism’, Representations 56.

Atanda, J.A., 1980, ‘The Historian and the Problem of Origins of Peoples in Nigerian Society’ Journal of the Historical Society of Nigeria X, 3.

Atwater, Deborah F., 1995, ‘Asante and the Naming of Names: The Evolution of Rhetorical Concepts’, in Ziegler, ed.

Bahoken, J.-C., 1989, ‘Universalite de la pensee philosophique africaine: L’apport de l’Egypte’, Presence Africaine 149-50.

Baines, John, 1991a, ‘Was Civilization Made in Africa?’, New York Times Book Review, 11 August.

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Baines, John, 199lb, ‘Egyptian Myth and Discourse: Myth, Gods and the Early Written and Iconographic Record’, Journal of NearEastern Studies 50, 2.

Baines, John and Malek, Jaromir, 1980, Atlas of Ancient Egypt, Oxford

Baker, Houston A. Jr, 1984, Blues, Ideology and Afro-American Literature: A Vernacular Theory, Chicago

Baker, John R, 1974, Race, London

Baldwin, James, 1985, The Price of the Tichet: Colkckd Non-Fzction 1948-1985, London

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Barboza, Steven, 1994, AmericanJihad: Islam after Malcolm X, NewYork

Bard, Kathryn A., 1996, ‘Ancient Egyptians and the Issue of Race’, in Lefkowitz and Rogers, eds

Barkan, Elazar, 1992, The Retreat of Scientific Racism: Changing Concepts of Race in Britain and the United States between the World Wars, Cambridge

Barnes, Carol, 1988, Melanin: The Chemical Key to Black Greatness, Houston, TX,

Bartlett, Robert, 1993, The Making of Europe: Conquest, Colonization and Cultural Change 950-1350, London

Bauval, Robert and Gilbert, Adrian, 1994, The Orion Mystery, London

Beach, D.N., 1980, The Shona and Zimbabwe 900-1850, London

Bekerie, Ayele, 1994, ‘The Four Corners of a Circle: Afrocentricity as a Model of Synthesis’, Journal of Black Studies 25, 4.

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Bell, Bernard W., Grosholz, Emily R and Stewart, James B., eds 1996, W.E.B. Du Bois on Race and Culture, New York and London

Bell, Yvonne R., Bouie, Cathy L. and Baldwin, Joseph A., 1990, ‘Afrocentric Cultural Consciousness and African-American Male-Female Relationships’, Journal of Black Studies 21, 2.

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Berman, Paul, ed. 1994, Black s andJews: Alliances and Arguments, NewYork

Bernal, Martin, 1985, ‘Black Athena: The African and Levantine Roots of Greece’, in Van Sertima, ed.

Bernal, Martin, 1987, Black Athena: The Afroasiatic Roots of Classical Civilization. I. The Fabrication of Ancient Greece, London

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Bernal, Martin, 1990a, Cad mean Letters: The Transmission of the Alphabet to the Aegean and Further West before 1400 BC, Winona Lake, IN

Bernal, Martin, 1991, Black Athena II. The Archaeological and Documentary Evidence, London

Bernal, Martin, 1992, ‘Response to Edith Hall’, Arethusa 25, 1.

Bernal, Martin, 1993a, ‘Response’, to S.O.Y. Keita, , Arethusa 26, 3.

Bernal, Martin, 1993b, ‘Response: The Debate over Black Athena’, Journal of Women’s History 4, 3.

Bernal, Martin, 1994a, ‘Basil Davidson: A Personal Appreciation’ Race & Class 36, 2.

Bernal, Martin, 1994b, ‘The Image of Ancient Greece as a Tool of Colonialism and European Hegemony’, in George C. Bond and Angela Gilliam, eds, Social Construction of the Past Representation as Power, London

Bernal, Martin, 199Ob, ‘Responses to Critical Reviews of Black Athena, Volume 1’, Journal of Mediterranean Archaeology 3, 1.

Bernstein, Richard, 1994, Diatatorship of Virtue: Multiculturalism and the Battle for America’s Future, New Yoek

Berry, Mary F. and Blassingame, John, 1982, Long Memory, NewYork

Birch, Anthony H., 1989, Nationalism and National Integration, London

Bjornson, Richard, 1991, The African QuestforFreedom and Identity: Cameroonian Writing and the National, Experience, Bloomington, IN

Blackburn, Robin, 1997, The Making of New World Slavery: From the Baroque to the Modern 1492-1800, London

Blakey, Michael L., 1995, ‘Race, Nationalism, and the Afrocentric Past’, in Schmidt and Patterson, eds

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Blauner, Robert, 1972, Racial Oppression in America, New York

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