Black Athena: bibliographical materials IVa

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Berlinerblau, J., 1999, Heresy in the University: The Black Athena controvery and the responsibilities of American intellectuals, New Brunswick etc.: Rutgers University Press.

(a) A... thru J...


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Bernal, Martin, 1985, ‘Review of Sign, Symbol, Script: An Exhibition on the Origins of Writing and the Alphabet, ed. M. Carter and K. Schoville.’ lournal of the American Oriental Society 105 (1985): 736-737

Bernal, Martin, 1986, ‘Black Athena Denied: The Tyranny of Germany over Greece and the Rejection of the Afroasiatic Roots of Europe, 1780-1980.’ Comparative Criticism 8 (1986): 3-69

Bernal, Martin, 1987, Black Athena: The Afroasiatic Roots of Classical Civilization. Vol. 1, The Fabrication of Ancient Greece, 1785-1985. New Brunswick, N.J.: Rutgers University Press, 1987

Bernal, Martin., 1987, ‘On the Transmission of the Alphabet to the Aegean before 1400 B.C.’ Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research 267 (1987): 1-19

Bernal, Martin, 1987, ‘Review of The Topography of Thebes: From the Bronze Age to Modern Times, by Sarantis Symeonoglou.’ Journal of the Amencan Oriental Society 107 (1987): 557-558

Bernal, Martin, 1987, ‘Unacceptable Face of the Ancient Greek.’ Guardian March ii, 1987, 19

Bernal, Martin, 1988, ‘The British Utilitarians, Imperialism and the Fall of the Ancient Model.’ Culture and History iii (1988): 98-127

Bernal, Martin, 1989, ‘Black Athena and the APA.’ Arethusa, special issue (1989): 17-37

Bernal, Martin. 1989, ‘Classics in Crisis: An Outsider’s View’ In Culham and Edmunds, Classics [ vul aan ]  69-74

Bernal, Martin, 1989, ‘First by Land, Then by Sea: Thoughts about the Social Formation of the Mediterranean and Greece.’ In Genovese and Hochberg, Geographic Perspectives, 3-33

Bernal, Martin, 1990, Cadmean Letters: The Transmission of the Alphabet to the Aegean and Further West before 1400 B.C. Winona Lake, Ind.: Eisenbrauns, 1990

Bernal, Martin, 1990, ‘Response to Jonathan Hall, ‘Black Athena: A Sheep in Wolf’s Clothing?’’ Journal of Mediterranean Archaeology iii (1990): 275-279

Bernal, Martin, 1990, ‘Response to Sturt Manning, ‘Frames of Reference for the Past: Some Thoughts on Bernal, Truth and Reality.’’ Journal of Mediterranean Archaeology iii (1990): 280-282

Bernal, Martin., 1990, ‘Responses to Critical Reviews of Black Athena: The Afroasiatic Roots of Classical Civilization. Volume One: The Fabrication of Ancient Greece, 1785-1985.’ Journal of Mediterranean Archaeology, 3 (1990): 111-137

Bernal, Martin, 1991, Atena nera: Le radici afroasiatiche della civilita classica. Translated by L. Fontana. Parma: Pratiche, 1991

Bernal, Martin. 1991, Black Athena: The Afroasiatic Roots of Classical Civilization. Vol. 2, The Archaeological and Documentary Evidence. New Brunswick, N.J.: Rutgers University Press, 1991

Bernal, Martin, 1991, ‘Response to Edith Hall.’ Arethusa xxiv (1991): 203-214

Bernal, Martin., 1991., ‘Review of The Origins of Writing, ed. W. Senner.’ Journal of the American Oriental Society 111 (1991): 826-827

Bernal, Martin, 1992, ‘Animadversions on the Origins of Western Science.’ Isis lxxxiii (1992): 596-607

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Bernal, Martin. 1992, ‘The Case for Massive Egyptian Influence in the Aegean.’ Archaeology 53-55 (September/October 1992): 82, 86

Bernal, Martin, 1993, Atenea Negra: Las raices afroasiaticas clasicas. Vol. 1, La invencion de la antigua Grecia, 1785-1985. Translated by T. de Lozoya. Barcelona: Editorial Critica, 1993

Bernal, Martin, 1993, ‘Paradise Glossed: Review of Maurice Olender, The Languages of Paradise: Race, Religion, and Philology in the Nineteenth Century.’ Studies in History and Philosophy of Science xxiv (1993): 669-75

Bernal, Martin, 1993, ‘Phoenician Politics and Egyptian Justice in Ancient Greccc.’ In Raaflaub, 1993, Anfänge politischen Denkens, 241-261

Bernal, Martin, 1993, ‘Response.’ Arethusa xxvi (1993): 315-318

Bernal, Martin, 1993, ‘Response.’ Journal of Women’s History iv (1993): 119-135

Bernal, Martin, 1994, ‘Basil Davidson: A Personal Appreciation. ‘ Race and Class xxxvi (1994): 101-103.

Bernal, Martin, 1994, ‘Response to Robert Palter.’ History of Science xxxii (1994): 445-464

Bernal, Martin, 1994, ‘Socrates’ Ancestry in Question: Response to Mary Lefkowitz.’ Academic Questions vii (1994): 6-7

Bernal, Martin.,  1994 , ‘The Image of Ancient Greece as a Tool for Colonialism and European Hegemony.’ In Bond and Gilliam, [ vul aan ] Social Construction, 119-128

Bernal, Martin, 1995, ‘Black Athena and Her Reception.’ Vest viii (1995): 11-24

Bernal, Martin, 1995, ‘Black Athena—The Historical Construction of Europe.’ Vest viii (1995): 11-24

Bernal, Martin. 1995, ‘Greece: Aryan or Mediterranean? Two Contending Historiographical Models.’ In Federici, Enduring Western Civilization, 3-11

Bernal, Martin, 1995, ‘Race, Class, and Gender in the Formation of the Aryan Model of Greek Origins.’ South Atlantic Quarterly Journal xciv (1995): 987-1008

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Bernal, Martin, 1995, ‘Review of Sarah P. Morris: Daidalos and the Origins of Greek Art. ‘ Arethusa xxviii (1995). 113-135

Bernal, Martin, 1996, ‘Burkert’s Orientalizing Revolution: Review of Walter Burkert, The Orientalizing Revolution.’ Arion iv (1996): 136-147

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