a valuable Web service

Wim van Binsbergen


All articles included in Wim van Binsbergen's website on African Religion contain extensive bibliographies. However, this does not exhaust this site's potential as a bibliographical resource. The site includes a Forum/Notice-Board, which is rapidly developing into a significant bibliographical aid. Among other messages, announcements and requests, site visitors' bibliographical queries are posted here and usually receive an extensive response from the site owner. These accumulated responses remain at the disposal of subsequent site visitors. So far, bibliographies have been compiled on

More topics are to follow.

check out this valuable resource by entering this site's Forum, to be accessed from the homepage

feel free to contribute an entry -- it may change the course of your research, and of your personal spirituality, in the context of African religion



page last modified: 11-02-01 14:40:31      
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