Times of Zambia Media release

Sat 12 June 2004


‘Ignored’ Nkoya chief threatens evictions

By Times Reporter
CHIEF Mutondo of the Nkoya people of Kaoma has threatened to evict people being settled in the Kalumwangi Farming Bloc because he had not been consulted.

The chief said in Kaoma last week that the farming block was in his chiefdom and yet Government had not consulted him before allocating land to investors in the area.

He complained that his people were being displaced by the new settlers.

“What is happening now is that my people are being displaced and have nowhere to settle. This is not good for my people,” he said.

Chief Mutondo said the Government should learn to consult so that people who had already settled in the farming block were taken care of.

He said that he did not oppose development in his chiefdom but wanted his people to benefit from whatever developmental project were taking place around them.

He said Kalumwangi farming block was a good idea but it should not have been done in haste.

“If you hear that I am chasing away people, its is because I feel ignored and I can’t let this go on forever,” the chief said.

He said he was keen on seeing development being taken to Mangango area.















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